Monday, 22 February 2016

Hypatia Diversity Grants Announced!

Hypatia is pleased to announce the projects and individuals selected for the Diversity Grants in 2015:
Individual grants:
Sara Haq for her project "The Othering of Sufism in Feminist Theory" presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting.
Tina Botts for her project on hate speech at the 2015 Mentoring Workshop for Early Career Women.
Elisabeth Paquette for her project "Aboriginal Women and Colonial Violence in the Canadian Context" presented at the Caribbean Philosophical Association meeting.
Xander Selene for her project on gender hierarchy presented at three different conferences.

Project grants:
Saray Ayala for a conference tentatively planned for Spring 2016 on "Foreigners in Philosophy."
Sarah Burke and others at the University of Oregon for a conference tentatively planned for Spring 2016 on the "Trans* Experience in Philosophy"

Congratulations to all!   More information on the Diversity Grants may be found on this webpage under Feminist Philosophy Connections.