Thursday, 10 March 2016

March 7

March 7
322 BCThe Greek philosopher Aristotle dies.

Le grand philosophe grec Aristote (384–322) sur la respiration

161On the death of Antoninus at Lorium, Marcus Aurelius becomes emperor.

1838Soprano Jenny Lind (“the Swedish Nightingale”) makes her debut in Weber’s opera Der Freischultz.

1876Alexander Graham Bell is granted a patent for the telephone.

1906Finland becomes the third country to give women the right to vote, decreeing universal suffrage for all citizens over 24, however, barring those persons who are supported by the state.

1927A Texas law that bans Negroes from voting is ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
1933The board game Monopoly is invented.
1933The film King Kong premieres in New York City.

Volume 221, Issue 2952, 18 January 2014, Pages 14
In Brief

Real King Kong may have been brought down by fruit

Gigantopithecus, a 3-metre-tall ape that lived during the stone age, may have been driven to extinction by eating fruit that contained little nourishment
Born on March 7

1872Piet Mondrian, Dutch abstract painter, leader of the movement known as “de Stijl.”
1875Maurice Ravel, composer (“Bolero”).