Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Job - Assistant professor in Indigenous American Language Studies (South and Middle America)

               Specifications - (explanation)

Location Leiden
Function typesProfessors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers
Scientific fieldsLanguage and Culture
Hours 38.0 hours per week
Salary € 3400
Job number 16-137
About employer Leiden University
Short link
Apply for this job within 13 days

Job description

  • Original research involving primary sources and fieldwork;
  • Production of high-quality peer-reviewed publications;
  • Teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels in lecture and seminar formats;
  • Supervision of BA and MA theses;
  • Establishment and maintenance of contacts and networks involving Amerindian speaker communities in South and Middle America;
  • Development of interdisciplinary research proposals involving the languages of the indigenous peoples of the Americas in relation to their literatures, art and/or cultural heritage;
  • Administrative duties;
  • Outreach initiatives


  • Ph.D. in Linguistics;
  • Research experience including linguistic fieldwork with one or more Amerindian languages of South and / or Middle America, demonstrated in publications; international research experience is desirable;
  • Interdisciplinary interest (particularly in the combination of linguistics with ethnography, philology, and culture history). Quantitative skills are an advantage;
  • Demonstrated ability to entertain good contacts with indigenous speaker communities in South and Middle America and experience with Amerindian speaker community collaborative projects (e.g. in the area of language revitalisation);
  • Teaching experience in the linguistics of Amerindian languages; international teaching experience is desirable. Good command of English; active and passive command of Spanish (and/or Portuguese) as a contact language, both oral and in writing;
  • Evidence of good organizational skills. Commitment to the acquisition of research funding from national and international funding agencies.
Upon appointment, depending on experience to date, the Assistant professor may be required to enter a nationally standardized tertiary teaching skills certification trajectory (BKO or Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs), successful completion of which is a condition for extension of contract and tenure.

Conditions of employment

We offer a fulltime 1.0 fte (38 hours per week) position as Assistant professor (Universitair Docent 2), for a period of one year to start with, and with the possibility of another one year extension.
The appointment will proceed in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten).  The salary level ranges from € 3.400,- to € 4.654,- gross per month (salary scale 11) commensurate with qualifications.
Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %). Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.
Leiden University is committed to diversity, inclusiveness and equal opportunities.


The Faculty of Humanities is rich in expertise in fields as philosophy, religious studies, history, art history, literature, linguistics and regional studies covering nearly every region of the world. Our faculty has approximately 6,000 students and 800 members of staff, who come from all over the world. For more information, see
The Faculty has seven Institutes, among which the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. LUCL has a longstanding tradition in the world’s languages and features unique linguistic expertise. See:

Additional information

For inquiries please contact prof. Dr. Niels O. Schiller: or Dr. Eithne Carlin:
Information about LUCL can be found at http://www.lucl.nland about Leiden University at