Monday, 30 May 2016

Detection of aristolochic acids I and II in “Chiniy-trèf”, a traditional medicinal preparation containing caterpillars feeding on Aristolochia trilobata L. in Martinique, French West Indies

Volume 114, May 2016, Pages 28–30


Chiniy-trèf” is a traditional medicine used in Martinique.
It is produced by maceration in rum of caterpillars feeding on Aristolochia species.
Aristolochia contain aristolochic acids, known cancerogenic and nephrotoxic agents.
Samples of “Chiniy Tref” were analysed by chromatographic methods.
Human toxicity of “Chiniy-trèf” was assessed by detection of aristolochic acids.


“Chiniy-trèf” is a traditional medicinal preparation used in Martinique, French West Indies, for the prevention of all kinds of attempted poisoning and hex. It is produced by the maceration in alcohol (mostly rum) of larvae (caterpillars) of the butterfly Battus polydamas ssp. cebriones, feeding on the leaves of Aristolochia trilobata. Aristolochic acids I and II that are well-known nephrotoxic and carcinogenic substances were identified on two samples of “chiniy-trèfl” by chromatographic methods.

Graphical abstract

Image for unlabelled figure


  • Aristolochic acids;
  • Chiniy-trèf;
  • Traditional medicine
Corresponding author. Dispositif de Toxicovigilance Antilles, Centre hospitalier de la Basse-Terre, Avenue Gaston Feuillard, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, France.