Thursday, 26 May 2016

Influence of genotype, cultivation system and irrigation regime on antioxidant capacity and selected phenolics of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Volume 202, 1 July 2016, Pages 276-283

a  Postharvest Technology and Agrifood Industry Area, Andalusian Institute of Agricultural and Fishering Research and Training (IFAPA), Alameda del Obispo, Córdoba, Spain
b  Phytochemistry Lab., Food Science and Technology Dept., CEBAS-CSIC, E-30100 Espinardo, Campus Universitario de Espinardo - Edificio 25, Murcia, 


Demand for and availability of blueberries has increased substantially over recent years, driven in part by their health-promoting properties. Three blueberry varieties ('Rocío', V2, and V3) were grown under two cultivation systems (open-field and plastic tunnels) and subjected to two irrigations regimes (100% and 80% of crop evapotranspiration) in two consecutive years (2011-2012). They were evaluated for their phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity. Genotype influenced the antioxidant capacity and the content of the three groups of phenolics in the blueberries. The antioxidant activity and total flavonols content increased when the blueberries were grown under open-field conditions. Deficit irrigation conditions led to additional positive effects on their phenolics (delphinidn-3-acetilhexoside content was increased under plastic tunnel with deficit irrigation). In conclusion, the amount of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity of blueberries were not negatively affected by water restriction; Moreover, several changes were recorded due to growing system and genotype. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Author keywords

Anthocyanins; Antioxidant capacity; Blueberries; Deficit irrigation; Phenolic compounds

Indexed keywords

Engineering controlled terms: Anthocyanins; Antioxidants; Cultivation; Irrigation; Phenols; Plants (botany)
Anti-oxidant activities; Antioxidant capacity; Blueberries; Crop evapotranspiration; Deficit irrigation; Phenolic compounds; Phytochemical composition; Vaccinium corymbosum
Engineering main heading: Agents
EMTREE drug terms: antioxidant; delphinidn 3 acetilhexoside; flavonol derivative; phenol; phenol derivative; plantmedicinal product; plastic; unclassified drug
EMTREE medical terms: antioxidant activity; Article; blueberry; controlled study; crop; evapotranspiration; genotype; irrigation (agriculture); nonhuman; plant growth; tillage; water deprivation
Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: phenol, 108-95-2, 3229-70-7
ISSN: 03088146 CODEN: FOCHDSource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.01.118Document Type: Article
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

  Cardeñosa, V.; Postharvest Technology and Agrifood Industry Area, Andalusian Institute of Agricultural and Fishering Research and Training (IFAPA), Alameda del Obispo, Spain;
© Copyright 2016 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.