Thursday, 26 May 2016

Pratiques de l’aviculture familiale au Sénégal oriental et en Haute-Casamance

Volume 28, Issue 5, May 2016
Open Access

Family poultry practices in eastern senegal and haute-casamance  (Article)


Faculté d’Agronomie et de Bio Ingénierie, Université du Burundi, BP 1550, Bujumbura, Burundi
Service de Zootechnie-Alimentation, Ecole Inter-Etats des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires de Dakar (EISMV), BP 5077, Dakar, Senegal


To investigate the structure and management of the family poultry flock, a crosscutting survey of 600 poultry farmers was conducted in eastern Senegal and Haute-Casamance. The results showed that family poultry is practiced mostly by agropastoralists (64.7%) and women (68.2%). The main objectives are selling (51.7%) and consumption (38.8%). Chicken farming is almost mono -specific and usually kept under free-range system (67%). Its average size is 21.9 ± 18. It is dominated very significantly (p=0.00) by the local breed (84.7%). Household refuse and cereals and their products are the most used for complementation (60.1%). Almost all poultry farmers (99.2%) water their birds with mostly locally available material. The traditional chicken coop is the most common (62%). Two infectious diseases (Newcastle, fowl pox), parasitic diseases (bedbugs, scabies, worms) and diarrhea are most frequently encountered. Deworming is low (16.2%) contrary to the vaccination against the Newcastle disease (97.2%). In case of illness, 49.9% of poultry farmers use traditional treatments and 26.1% modern ones. The different decisions and responsibilities of chicken management practices are made by women except the sale and consumption decisions. The main constraints identified are the weak growth performance of chickens, disease and predation. The productivity parameters (first laying age, eggs laid, laying interval, production cycles) of the crossbred compared to the local chicken were improved except hatching and survival rates. It appears from this study that the parameters of family poultry productivity can be improved through genetic, mastery of farming techniques and maintaining healthy poultry. © 2016, Fundacion CIPAV. All rights reserved.

Author keywords

Indigenous; Productivity parameters; Scavenging; Sub-saharan Africa
ISSN: 01213784Source Type: Journal Original language: Spanish
Document Type: Article
Publisher: Fundacion CIPAV

© Copyright 2016 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.