Saturday, 28 May 2016

Variation of select flavonols and chlorogenic acid content of elderberry collected throughout the Eastern United States

Volume 47, April 01, 2016, Pages 52-59


a  Centre for Applied Research and Innovation, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, BC, Canada
b  Missouri Botanical Garden, PO Box 299, St. Louis, MO, United States 


American elderberries are commonly collected from wild plants for use as food and medicinal products. The degree of phytochemical variation among wild populations has not been established and might affect the overall quality of elderberry dietary supplements. The three major flavonols identified in elderberries are rutin, quercetin and isoquercetin. Variation in the flavonols and chlorogenic acid was determined for 107 collections of elderberries from throughout the eastern United States using an optimized high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection method. The mean content was 71.9 mg per 100 g fresh weight with variation ranging from 7.0 to 209.7 mg per 100 g fresh weight within the collected population. Elderberries collected from southeastern regions had significantly higher contents in comparison with those in more northern regions. The variability of the individual flavonol and chlorogenic acid profiles of the berries was complex and likely influenced by multiple factors. Several outliers were identified based on unique phytochemical profiles in comparison with average populations. This is the first study to determine the inherent variability of American elderberries from wild collections and can be used to identify potential new cultivars that may produce fruits of unique or high-quality phytochemical content for the food and dietary supplement industries. © 2016 Z.

Author keywords

American elderberry; Berries; Flavonols; Food analysis; Food composition; Geographic variation; HPLC-UV; Phenolic acids; Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis; Wild collections
ISSN: 08891575 CODEN: JFCAESource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2015.12.003Document Type: Article
Publisher: Academic Press Inc.

  Brown, P.N.; Centre for Applied Research and Innovation, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 3700 Willingdon Ave, Canada
© Copyright 2016 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.