Monday, 27 June 2016

INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP: Critical reflections on power, intersectionalities and in/equalities in Central Asia, Caucasus and larger Eurasia



Date: July 8th, 2016 (Friday) 11:00 - 17:00
Venue: Lodge Seminar Room, Lady Margaret Hall
Conveners: Maia Barkaia and Selbi Jumayeva, IGS/WEF visiting fellows

YOUNG RESEARCHERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT a 300 word abstract of their “work-in-progress” papers to by 6 pm, June 30th.


Funding: travel costs are fully covered for UK-based presenters and discussants; sandwich lunch and refreshments are provided to all workshop participants.
IGS and REES are inviting nine young researchers based in UK, who study embodiment of different social, political, cultural and economic issues and lived experiences of Eurasian communities and people(s) within and across various disciplines.
Papers discussing epistemologies and methodologies of researching in Eurasia are welcome.
The Workshop will provide emerging scholars an opportunity to present and discuss their work-in-progress papers with peers, senior academics in the field and interested audience.
Young researchers are invited to submit the 300 word abstract of their “work-in-progress” papers to by 6 pm, June 30th.
The Interdisciplinary workshop is open to all interested activists, scholars and professionals working on power, inequalities and intersectionalities in Central Asia, Caucasus region and larger Eurasian region.
As places are limited, please register by email to Karen McCallum at by 12 noon, July 4th.
Organized by the International Gender Studies Centre at LMH,
and Russian and East European Studies in the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies
with the generous support of Open Society Foundations, New York

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