Friday, 24 June 2016

Neglected fungal zoonoses: hidden threats to man and animals

  Open Archive


Zoonotic fungi can be naturally transmitted between animals and humans, and in some cases cause significant public health problems. A number of mycoses associated with zoonotic transmission are among the group of the most common fungal diseases, worldwide. It is, however, notable that some fungal diseases with zoonotic potential have lacked adequate attention in international public health efforts, leading to insufficient attention on their preventive strategies. This review aims to highlight some mycoses whose zoonotic potential received less attention, including infections caused by Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei, Lacazia loboi, Emmonsia spp., Basidiobolus ranarum, Conidiobolus spp. and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.


  • Animal;
  • fungi;
  • human;
  • mycoses;
  • neglected;
  • zoonoses


Depending on the source of infections, zoonoses are described as infectious diseases that can be naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and man [1]. The causative agent may be a bacterium, a virus, an ectoparasite, a helminth, a protozoa, or a fungus [2]. An animal can be either reservoir or mechanical vector of zoonotic pathogens, therefore the transmission may be direct or indirect [3]. In most cases, many wild and domesticated animals (including their faeces and soil in their burrows) play an essential role in maintaining the infection in nature and contribute in varying degrees to the distribution and actual transmission of infection in human and animal populations [4]. Although zoonotic agents can be transmitted from an infected host to others, inter-human transfer is uncommon.
From a global prospective, zoonotic infections have been recognized for many centuries, and account for the majority of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, worldwide [5] and [6]. It has been shown that zoonoses occur due to increased contact between humans and animals as a by-product of development, industrialization and encroachment on wildlife habitats, resulting in a dynamic upward trajectory of these diseases [7].
Fungal infections associated with zoonotic and or sapronotic transmission are an important public health problem worldwide [8]. A number of these infections are among the group of the most common fungal diseases, such as: dermatophytosis [9], sporotrichosis [10] and [11] and histoplasmosis [12]. Within this context, it is however notable that some fungal diseases with zoonotic potential have lacked adequate attention in international public health efforts, leading to insufficient attention on their preventive strategies.
In this paper, we provide an overview of neglected fungal pathogens that could be carried and transmitted between vertebrate animals and people. Their aetiological agents, ecology and geographical distribution, current epidemiology, type of diseases in humans and animals, source of infection and mode of transmission will be discussed.

Fungal zoonoses versus sapronoses

From an evolutionary viewpoint, mycotic infectious agents can be either true pathogens or opportunists [13], and from the same perspective pathogens can be divided into environmental pathogens (having a saprobic but infectious phase in the environment) and obligatory pathogens (having host-to-host transmission). Systemic environmental pathogenic fungi may produce invasive forms in infected tissue, such as the spherule in Coccidioides or intracellular yeast in Histoplasma [12]. Nearly all fungi are able to thrive in the environment for extended periods, but pathogens have an evolutionary advantage of the use of a vertebrate vector during a part of their life cycle. Often an animal other than humans is the prime target of the fungus, with humans as non-optimal hosts. Infections originating from an animal are termed zoonoses [1]. The clinical course of systemic pathogens can be fatal in hosts with severe impairment of acquired immunity, but in healthy hosts the infection is often relatively mild.
In contrast, opportunistic fungi have a preferred habitat independent from the living hosts [13]. Factors enabling survival in human tissue are purely coincidental. Infections may nevertheless occur repeatedly from a single source, and we then speak of sapronoses [14]. Infection of the non-preferred human host decreases fitness of the fungus. The fungus is poorly adapted to this unexpected habitat and therefore may provoke a strongly inflammatory response, which in patients with severe impairment of their innate cellular immunity may be fatal.
Table 1 shows the list of clinically significant fungi with zoonotic potential that can cause considerable medical, veterinary and/or public health problems. Some of these fungi and corresponding infections have been extensively investigated in the literature [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [15], [16] and [17]. Here we discuss the fungal pathogens whose zoonotic potential is neglected, including: Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei, Lacazia loboi, Emmonsia spp., Conidiobolus spp., Basidiobolus ranarum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.
Table 1. Medically important fungi with the potential of zoonotic transmission to humans
Aetiological agentDiseaseKnown distributionProbable means of transmission to humansTarget animalsClinical signs of disease in animalsClinical signs of disease in human
Microsporum spp., Trichophyton spp.DermatophytosisWorldwideDirect contact with infected animals or materialAll domesticated mammals and sometimes wildlifeClassical ring lesion with central healing and crusts at the peripheral area, some degree of folliculitisTinea capitis, Tinea barbae, Tinea faciei, Tinea corporis, Tinea cruris, Tinea ungium, Tinea pedis, Tinea manum, Tinea
Sporothrix schenckii
Sporothix brasiliensis
SporotrichosisWorldwideWork-related trauma, scratches or bites from animalsCats; occasionally dogs, horse, cow, camel, dolphin, goat, mule, bird, pig, rat, armadilloLocalized cutaneous, lymphocutaneous and disseminated infectionFixed cutaneous, lymphocutaneous, osteoarticular and disseminated infection
Mallasezia spp.Malassezia infection (pityriasis)WorldwideMalassezia yeasts are commensal of human skin (part of the normal microbiota)Domestic animals such as dogs, cats, cows, sheep, pig, horse, wild animals held in captivity, and animals from wildlifeDermatitis, alopecia, stenosis, otitis externaChronic superficial disease of the skin (pityriasis versicolor), folliculitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff, fungaemia
Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus gattiiCryptococcosisWorldwideMainly by inhalation od fungus, occasionally through breaks in the skinWide variety of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibiansFocal or disseminated infection, affecting a single organ system or many, central nervous system involvementCutaneous, ocular, pulmonary and central nervous system involvement
Penicillium (Talaromyces) marneffeiPenicilliosisSouthern China and South-East AsiaUnknownBamboo rats, domestic animals such as dogs, catsSkin dermatitidis, rhinitis, otitis externa and disseminated infectionNon-specific clinical signs (generalized lymphadenopathy, molluscum contagiosum-like lesions of the skin and mucosa) and disseminated infection
Lacazia loboiLobomycosisSouth and Central America, United States, Canada, Europe, South AfricaTraumaDolphinsGranulomatous dermatitisGranulomatous dermatitis
Emmonsia spp.AdiaspiromycosisCase reports from Asia, Australia, Europe, North AmericaInhalation of the fungusWild rodentsDeep mycosesLung and disseminated disease
Conidiobolus coronatus, Conidiobolus incongruus, Basidiobolus ranarumEntomophthoromycosisTropical countries of Africa, Asia, United States and EuropeTraumatic implantation or inhalation of the fungusHorses, dogs, sheepCutaneous and disseminated infectionChronic subcutaneous and invasive infection
Histoplasma capsulatumHistoplasmosisWorldwide (endemic in Mississippi and Ohio River valleys in USA)Inhalation of the fungusCattle, sheep, horsesNon-specific signs (chronic gastrointestinal infection) and disseminated infectionChronic progressive lung disease, chronic cutaneous or systemic disease or an acute fulminating fatal systemic disease
Coccidioides immitis, Coccidioides posadasiiCoccidioidomycosisSouthwestern USA, northern Mexico, Central and South AmericaInhalation of arthroconidia and skin traumaDogs, llamas, non-human primates, cats, horses, domesticated or wild mammals, snakesAsymptomatic to severe and fatal infectionCutaneous, pulmonary, disseminated infection
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Paracoccidioides lutziiParacoccidioidomycosisSouth AmericaInhalation of the fungus, injuries of the skin and mucosal membranesDogs, domesticated and wild animals (armadillos and monkeys)Non-specific clinical signs depending on the organ involved (lymphadenomegaly, apathy, and hepatosplenomegaly)Mucocutaneous, pulmonary or disseminated infection
Blastomyces dermatitidisBlastomycosisWorldwide (endemic in North American continent, autochthonous in Africa, South America and AsiaInhalation of airborne conidiaDogs, cats, horses, marine mammalsCutaneous, pulmonary, systemic infectionCutaneous, pulmonary, disseminated infection (granulomatous and suppurative lesions in lung, skin and bones)
Pneumocystis carinii (mammals), Pneumocystis jirovecii (Human)PneumocystosisWorldwideInhalation of airborne conidiaRodents, dogs, cats, cattleLethal pneumonia in immune debilitated animalsAsymptomatic, interstitial pneumonia, progressive pneumonia (in immunocompromised hosts)


Penicilliosis is caused by the emerging pathogenic fungus Penicillium marneffei that usually causes a fatal disseminated disease in immunocompromised individuals, especially those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection [18]. Penicillium marneffei is a dimorphic fungus exhibiting a mycelial form at 25°C and a yeast form at 37°C. Upon tissue invasion, P. marneffei undergoes a morphological phase transition from saprobic mould to yeast form that capably evades the host immune system [19]. For phylogenetic reasons the fungus was renamed as Talaromyces marneffei, underlining its remote distance to saprobic Penicillium species [20] and [21].

Ecology and source of infection

The fungus may have a natural habitat in soil in areas of southern China and South-East Asia where it is endemic [18] and [22]. Talaromyces marneffei was originally isolated from the bamboo rat, Rhizomys sinensis, in 1956 [19]. Since then, additional studies demonstrated that three other bamboo rat species may act as reservoirs: Rhizomys pruinosus, Rhizomys sumatrensis and the reddish-brown subspecies of Cannomys badius. Within these rodent species, the prevalence of infection varies widely across South-East Asia [23] and [24]. In addition, more recently, dogs have been suggested as a possible reservoir for T. marneffei [25].

Epidemiology in humans

The infection is recognized as an AIDS-defining opportunistic infection [26] and [27] in regions where the fungus is endemic. In Thailand Chiang Mai province, it is the third most common HIV-related opportunistic infection (after tuberculosis and cryptococcosis) [18], [27] and [28]. Penicilliosis affects all ages and both sexes, although 90% of the cases reported in the literature are male [29]. Notably, the risk of infection is not restricted to those living in areas where it is endemic. HIV-infected individuals who travelled to areas of endemicity have also become infected by T. marneffei [30]. Of note, the mortality rate of untreated T. marneffei infections in HIV-infected patients is 100% [31].

Disease in humans

In patients who are not immunocompromised, most cases of penicilliosis show generalized lymphadenopathy, fever, weight loss, anaemia and a non-productive cough, which may strongly resemble histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and tuberculosis [32]. In HIV-infected patients, the disease is usually disseminated, affecting skin, reticuloendothelial system, lung and gut. Other tissues can be involved in the disease such as liver, spleen, skin and mucosa, which are the most commonly affected tissues. In contrast to histoplasmosis and tuberculosis, adrenal involvement and central nervous system infections are uncommon. The molluscum contagiosum-like lesions of skin and mucosa indicate disseminated disease [29]. Most patients acquire skin lesions on the face and neck. Chest radiographs show patchy infiltration and sometimes abscess formation.

Disease in animals

Penicilliosis is a rare infection in domestic animals such as dogs and cats [25]. Clinical signs of infection include skin dermatitis, rhinitis and otitis externa [33]. Symptomatic animals have nasal discharge and ulceration of external nares and epistaxis. However, up to 40% of seemingly normal dogs will have a nasal swab positive for T. marneffei on culture [25]. In addition, disseminated infections have been reported in dogs, with peripheral lymphadenopathy [34] and bronchopneumonia [35]. No clinical signs have been reported in naturally infected bamboo rats [20]. The prevalence of infection varies widely across South-East Asia, suggesting that there are regional variations in the endemicity of infection or there are geographical variations in the predisposition to infection within different species of bamboo rats [18].

Mode of transmission

A lot is still unknown about the natural reservoir and route of transmission of T. marneffei. While bamboo rats are a natural reservoir, they are generally not in close contact with humans and there is no evidence of direct transmission from rats to humans [25]. However, bamboo rats and HIV-positive patients have been found to share genetically similar strains of T. marneffei, suggesting that rat-to-human transmission might be possible or co-infection from a common but still unidentified source [36]. Infected rats appear healthy [24]. In addition, recent studies suggested that domestic animals such as dogs might be another possible reservoir for T. marneffei in the regions where it is endemic [25]. To date T. marneffei has never been recovered from environments other than those that are intimately associated with bamboo rats.


Lobomycosis is a rare chronic, granulomatous, fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues [37] and [38]. Despite important advances having been made through the use of updated molecular biology techniques, the aetiological agent of lobomycosis has never been cultured and grown in vitro. In 1999, Taborda et al. proposed the agent in a new genus, Lacazia, calling it Lacazia loboi [39].

Ecology and source of infection

Soil and vegetation are believed to be the chief habitat of the fungus. However, increasing reports of the disease in aquatic mammals such as the dolphin has shifted attention to water and the aquatic environment [38] and [40].

Epidemiology in humans

The disease has been diagnosed generally in tropical areas with an average temperature of 24°C and relative humidity higher than 75% [41]. The calculated prevalence of lobomycosis is 3.05/10 000 inhabitants in the Amazon region of Brazil [42] and [43]. Most patients diagnosed have been in the Amazon basin and countries of South and Central America [44]. There have also been imported cases in the USA, Canada, Europe and South Africa [38].

Disease in humans

Lobomycosis does not affect the general health of the patient [43]. Patients often report a bite or sting from an arthropod, snake or stingray, or trauma from a cutting instrument. The clinical manifestations of lobomycosis are pleomorphic lesions, dermal nodules, either lenticular or in plaques, which can be either hyperpigmented or hypopigmented (Fig. 1). The lesions are generally painless, although pruritus and dysaesthesia have been occasionally described. The cheloid-like lesions can resemble nodular leprosy or leishmaniasis, or other subcutaneous mycoses (sporotrichosis, chromomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis), cheloids and malignant tumours [37].
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of lobomycosis in humans. ...
Fig. 1.
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of lobomycosis in humans. Reproduced from reference Paniz-Mondolfi et al. 2012 [38] with permission of the publisher. Keloid-like lesions over the upper limb of a patient with lobomycosis (a); multiple confluent papules, plaques and nodule lesions admixed with small verrucous areas on the foot of a patient with lobomycosis (b, c); Grocott methamine silver-stained section showing multiple isolated and chained yeasts (magnification × 40) (d).

Disease in animals

Lobomycoses have been described in two species of dolphins (Delphinidae): the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) from the Atlantic coast of the USA and Europe, and the Guyana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) from the Surinam River estuary [45]. The lesions are characterized by greyish, white to pink verrucous lesions that may ulcerate and form large plaques (Fig. 2) [46]. The disease progresses over years and may disfigure large areas of the body [38]. The prevalence of lobomycosis in bottlenose dolphins of Florida is reported to be 6.8% [47].
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of lobomycosis in a dolphin. ...
Fig. 2.
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of lobomycosis in a dolphin. Reproduced from reference Paniz-Mondolfi et al. 2012 [38] with permission of the publisher. Extensive white greyish proliferating lesions with keloidal and verrucous aspect forming rosettes on the dorsal (a), flanks (b) and fin (c) of a dolphin; Grocott methamine silver-stained section from a skin biopsy specimen of a dolphin showing abundant yeast cells individually and in chains connected by thin tubular bridges (magnification ×400) (d).

Mode of transmission

The possibility of zoonotic transmission of this disease is still under investigation. However, it is highly probable that the transmission occurs by direct contact with infected animals following abrasion or trauma of the skin [40]. Lobomycosis can be transmitted directly from human-to-human under accidental circumstances [48]. Dolphin-to-human transmission of lobomycosis has also been reported in an aquarium attendant who had had close physical contact with an affected dolphin [49].


Adiaspiromycosis is a rare chronic pulmonary infection caused by dimorphic fungi from the genus Emmonsia within the family Ajellomycetaceae [50], [51] and [52]. The infection is characterized by the presence of very large adiaspores in the lungs [53]. Inhaled conidia of Emmonsia produced from the mycelial phase growing at ambient temperatures fail to germinate in the lung, and instead simply increase in volume to form thick-walled, non-replicating adiaspores [54].
Currently, two species of Emmonsia are known as main agents of pulmonary diseases in human and animals: Emmonsia crescens and Emmonsia parva [51]. However, a new species, ‘Emmonsia pasteuriana’, has been recently described causing disseminated cutaneous infection in HIV-infected patients [55].

Ecology and source of infection

Emmonsia species are commonly found in soil but also occur in mammalian species living in close association with soils such as rodents, insectivores, otters, stoats, weasels, moles and ground squirrels [56]. Among species in this genus, E. crescens is widespread in continental Europe and UK, whereas E. parva is found mainly in some xerothermic regions, including parts of the Americas, Central Asia and Africa [56].

Epidemiology in humans

In humans, adiaspiromycosis is a rare pulmonary infection. Disseminated pulmonary adiaspiromycosis can progress to respiratory failure and death; however, mortality rates are low [53]. There are nearly 200 reports of Emmonsia infections in human lungs and less than 20 (sub)cutaneous infections in the literature [53].

Disease in humans

Cases of human infection are rare and primarily pulmonary conditions similar to that observed in animals, with only a few cases of infection at other sites [53]. The disease is usually localized, asymptomatic and self-limited; however, disseminated fatal cases have been reported [54]. The severity of the adiaspiromycosis in humans depends on the amount of the airborne conidial burden inhaled and host immunocompetence, and range from asymptomatic infection through necrogranulomatous pneumonia and even death [54].

Disease in animals

Emmonsia species have an extremely broad host range and infections have been reported in many species of small mammals, worldwide [56] and [57]. Histopathological examination of the infected animals generally reveals a multifocal extensive granulomatous reaction containing oval adiaspores scattered irregularly throughout the lungs [57]. The frequency of infected animals varies according to geographic area, altitude, habitat, and season. Several studies clearly indicated that almost 30% of all small wild mammals examined in the UK and parts of central and eastern Europe where it is endemic, had evidence of infection [57], raising the possibility that sporadic infections might also occur in domestic animals and humans [56].

Mode of transmission

Similar to other dimorphic onygenalean fungi, Emmonsia species are environmental pathogens, having a life cycle involving soil and vectoring by the animals [50].


Entomophthoromycosis is a chronic subcutaneous infection caused by zygomycetes of the order Entomophthorales: Conidiobolus coronatus, Conidiobolus incongruus and Basidiobolus ranarum [58].

Ecology and source of infection

Both Conidiobolus spp. and B. ranarum are generally considered as saprobe distributed in plant debris and soil of tropical areas [59]. In addition, these fungi are present as a commensals in the gastrointestinal tract of amphibians, fish, reptiles and insectivorous bats [60].

Epidemiology in humans

The disease occurs sporadically as a result of traumatic implantation or inhalation of the fungus that is present in plant debris in tropical environments. Both types of entomophthoromycosis are reported in tropical countries of Africa, Asia, USA and Europe [58]. Gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis has a 20% mortality rate despite all of the therapeutic measures [61] and [62].

Disease in humans

Typically, B. ranarum causes subcutaneous infection in immunocompetent young adults and rarely involves the gastrointestinal tract [61]. Human infection with Conidiobolus species occurs predominately as chronic rhinofacial mycosis in otherwise healthy hosts [59]. In addition, invasive conidiobolomycosis has been reported in immunocompromised patients that can cause endocarditis and widespread fatal dissemination [63].

Disease in animals

Conidiobolomycosis is reported mainly in horses [64], sheep [65] and [66] and dogs [67]. Ulcerative pyogranulomatous lesions of the mucosa of the nasopharyngeal tissue, mouth or nodular growths of the nasal mucosa and the lips may be seen with conidiobolomycosis, similar to those caused by pythiosis and lagenidiosis. Disseminated basidiobolomycosis is rare but has been described in dogs and mandrills [68].

Mode of transmission

The transmission dynamics of these fungi is still under investigation. However, the isolation of Conidiobolus spp. and B. ranarum from reptiles, amphibians and fish, and infection in various animals, strongly suggest interspecific transmission [8]. Infection due to B. ranarum is thought to occur following traumatic implantation of the fungus into the subcutaneous tissues. Infections with Conidiobolus spp. occur following inhalation of the fungal spores, which then germinate and induce the invasion of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and facial soft tissues.


Paracoccidioidomycosis is an acute to chronic systemic infection caused by a thermally dimorphic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis [12] and [69] and its relative Paracoccidioides lutzii.

Ecology and source of infection

The natural habitat of P. brasiliensis, its environmental niche and life cycle in nature remain unknown, but it is presumed that the fungus is able to survive and proliferate in the soil [69]. The fungus generally enters via the respiratory tract or injuries of the skin and mucosal membranes [70].

Epidemiology in humans

Paracoccidioidomycosis is considered to be the third leading cause of death from chronic infectious disease in South America, and the mortality rate for paracoccidioidomycosis is 1.65 cases/1 000 000 population [71]. It is endemic in the American continent, and the highest incidence of the disease was registered in South American countries including Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela [72]. However, cases outside of the areas of endemicity continue to be described, in general with long periods of latency, representing endogenous reactivations of the infectious focus previously acquired in endemic regions [73]. The annual prevalence of the disease in areas where it is endemic ranges from three or four new cases/1 000 000 population to one to three new cases/100 000 population. Most patients are males (>90%), agricultural workers, often malnourished, and usually 30–60 years of age [12] and [72].

Disease in humans

Following inhalation, P. brasiliensis typically causes asymptomatic chronic pulmonary infection that disseminates as ulcerative granulomata in the mucosal surfaces of the nose, mouth and gastrointestinal tract [69]. In addition to the skin and lymph nodes, the infection may spread to internal organs [12] and [72]. Symptomatic cases may develop an acute and or sub-acute or chronic pneumonia with clinical features resembling tuberculosis (Fig. 3) [12]. This form of infection is almost always observed in children, adolescents, and adults <30 years of age, and represents <10% of the cases [69], [72] and [74].
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of paracoccidioidomycosis in ...
Fig. 3.
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of paracoccidioidomycosis in humans. Reproduced from reference Ameen et al. 2010 [72] with permission of the publisher. Ulcerative lesion with punctate haemorrhagic dots (a); dissemination to the skin, presenting as erythematous papules and plaques, some of which are beginning to ulcerate (b); centrofacial cutaneous and mucosal ulcerative lesions (c); chest radiograph depicting diffuse bilateral nodular opacities in pulmonary Paracoccidioidomycosis (d); direct microscopy of a skin scraping detects fungal cells of paracoccidioidomycosis with thick bi-refringent walls (magnification × 40) (e); splenic tissue showing the characteristic ‘ship-pilot's wheel’ (magnification × 40) (f).

Disease in animals

The disease has been demonstrated in domestic [75] and wild (armadillos and monkeys) [76] and [77] animals. Experimental infection can be obtained in dogs [78] and [79]. Naturally acquired infection is also reported in dogs with emaciation, lymphadenomegaly and hepatosplenomegaly (Fig. 4) [75] and [80].
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of paracoccidioidomycosis in a ...
Fig. 4.
Clinical manifestations and laboratory features of paracoccidioidomycosis in a dog. Reproduced from reference de Farias et al. 2011 [75] with permission of the publisher. Generalized lymphadenomegaly in submandibular lymph node (a); prescapular lymph node (b); inguinal lymph node (c); popliteal lymph node (d); histological fragment of popliteal lymph node stained with haematoxylin & eosin showing oval structures (e) and stained with periodic acid–Schiff showing the same poorly stained oval structure surround by neutrophils, macrophages and giant cells (f).

Mode of transmission

The epidemiology of the disease indicates a rural predilection, consistent with most zoonotic infections [34]. The infection, in both humans and other animals, is transmitted in an airborne manner by inhalation of conidia present in the environment [75]. Given that armadillos can harbour the fungus at high frequencies, this suggests their role as a wild host in the epidemiological cycle of the disease [76]. In addition, in areas of endemicity, it has been shown that infected armadillos and humans share genetically similar strains of P. brasiliensis [81], which also suggests a zoonotic role for this infection.


The importance of fungal zoonotic or sapronotic infections has been demonstrated. There is no doubt that these types of fungi need to be controlled. Control of human exposure to animal reservoirs can protect susceptible populations and is a critical component of prevention. From a global public health prospective, clearly more efforts are needed to raise awareness of the scale of the problem for neglected zoonotic or sapronotic fungi in order to better define the burden, distribution, mortality and socio-economic consequences, and also provide an integrated platform of prevention and control strategies.

Transparency declaration

SS has received travel grants from Astellas Pharma B.V. and Gilead Sciences. JG has served as consultant to Lilly Elanco, Merial, MSD, Novartis, and Bayer. AT and GSdH have no conflict of interests. PEV has served as consultant and has received research grants from Astellas, Basilea, Gilead Sciences, Merck, and Pfizer.


This publication was prepared as a collaborative study between the Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, the Dynamyc Research Group, Maisons-Alfort, Créteil, France, and the Veterinary Mycology and Black Yeast Working groups of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM-VMWG).


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Corresponding author: Seyedmojtaba Seyedmousavi, Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC, P.O.Box. 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands