Sunday, 31 July 2016

Bioactive Phenolics In Chilean Native Fruits

Planta Med 2016; 82 - OA12
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1578582

G Schmeda Hirschmann 1
  • 1Instituto de Química de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de Talca, Campus Lircay, Talca, Chile

The phenolic composition of Chilean edible fruits including the native Cactaceae “copao” (Euychnia acida), the Chilean currants (Ribes spp., Grossulariaceae) and the Patagonian raspberry Rubus geoides (Rosaceae) was established by spectroscopic and spectrometric methods. The antioxidant activity of the extracts, phenolic-enriched fractions, main compounds and mixtures was assessed by complementary chemical and biological means, including human cell cultures. The antioxidant [1] and anti-inflammatory [2] effect of the “copao” fruit was associated with flavonoid glycosides. Relevant differences were found according to the longitudinal valleys where the fruit was collected. The Patagonian raspberry is a wild relative of the cultivated raspberry Rubus idaeus. The chemical composition and bioactivity of the native fruit differ from that of the commercial raspberry and shows protective effects on human cell cultures challenged with different stressors [3]. The wild currant Ribes magellanicum shows antioxidant effect in vitro and in cell culture models. Distinctive chemical patterns were observed in populations from Chile and Argentinean Patagonia, showing clusters associated with chemical constituents and bioactivity [4]. Taken together, the results show high chemical diversity, different effects and action mechanisms of the Chilean fruits, compared with the cultivated relatives.

Acknowledgements: Support of FONDECYT 1120096 and PIEI-Universidad de Talca is gratefully acknowledged.

References: [1] Jiménez-Aspee F, et al. (2014) Food Research International, 62: 286 – 298. [2] Jimenez-Aspee F, et al. (2015) Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 70: 135 – 140. [3] Jiménez-Aspee F et al. (2016) Food Chemistry, 194: 908 – 919. [4]. Jiménez-Aspee F, et al. (2016) Food Science & Nutrition (in press).