Monday, 25 July 2016

The Ginkgo special extract EGb 761® (Tebonin®). A preclinical and clinical update in respect to the different clinical and neuro-biological concepts of Alzheimer's disease

Volume 23, Issue 3, May-June 2016, Pages 102-117

[Ginkgo-Spezialextrakt 761® (Tebonin®): Ein präklinisches und klinisches Update im Wandel klinischer und ätiopathogenetischer Konzepte der Alzheimer-Demenz]

a  Höhenstraße 49A, Worms, Germany
b  Pharmakologisches Institut für Naturwissenschaftler, Goethe-Universität, Biozentrum, Frankfurt/M., 


The Ginkgo biloba leaves' special extract EGb 761® was introduced into therapy in Germany 50 years ago under the brand name Tebonin®. Even from the beginning it was used for age-associated cognitive impairment, originally under the diagnosis organic brain syndrome and later fort the diagnosis of dementia either of Alzheimer or vascular type. However, because of methodological problems of several of the older clinical studies, there was always a controversy about its use in the treatment of dementia. The sceptical appraisal was also associated with the mechanism of action of EGb 76l®, an improvement of mitochondrial function leading to enhanced neuronal function and improved neuronal plasticity, since these effects were not specific for Alzheimer pathology but also relevant for age-associated memory impairment. However, due to our actual knowledge about mitochondrial dysfunction as a major cause of the whole continuum of age-associated memory disorders including Alzheimer's disease, it became clear that a drug which improves mitochondrial function should be effective over the whole spectrum, from mild cognitive disturbances up to Alzheimer dementia. Accordingly, a positive assessment of EGb 761® for the treatment of dementia has been included into the guidelines for the treatment of Alzheimer and other dementias of the World Societies of Biological Psychiatry and in the German "S3-Leitlinie Demenz".

Author keywords

EGb 761®; Ginkgo; Mitochondrial dysfunction; Treatment of dementia
ISSN: 09446877 CODEN: PSYCFSource Type: Journal Original language: German
Document Type: Article
Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH