Jennifer Brant, co-editor of “Forever Loved: Exposing the Hidden Crisis of
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada,” member of the
Tyendinaga Mohawk Nation and doctoral candidate in educational studies at
Brock University, will speak about missing and murdered Indigenous women in
her lecture, “Forever Loving, Forever Resisting: Recent Research on Missing
and Murdered Indigenous Women” as part of the NB Media Co-op’s seventh
annual general meeting on Sept. 29. The event is presented by the St.
Thomas University’s Women’s and Gender Studies program, UNB History and the
NB Media Co-op. The talk will occur at 7:00pm at Kinsella Auditorium,
McCain Hall, St. Thomas University in Fredericton.
The NB Media Co-op Annual General Meeting will occur just before the Brant
lecture on Sept. 29 at 6:00pm at McCain Hall, Room 102, St. Thomas
University. Join us to review our highlights and challenges. All are
welcome but you must be a member to vote. Stay tuned for more update,
including documents for the AGM here:
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