Thursday, 11 August 2016

Michael Phelps proves that countries don't have to send large teams to the Olympics

Michael Phelps has now won more gold medals than all of these countries

The countries that produce the most medals per capita at the Olympics

What does the man with the most Olympic medals of all time eat for breakfast?
Nowadays he opts for a large bowl of porridge, a large omelette with ham and cheese, fresh fruit and coffee - but back in 2008 things were a whole lot different.
Back then, Phelps would eat around 12,000 calories a day.
He'd start the day with:
  • Three fried egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise
  • Two cups of coffee
  • One five-egg omelette
  • One bowl of grain
  • Three slices of French toast
  • Three chocolate chip pancakes.
And that was just for breakfast.

After that Phelps would have pasta, two large ham and cheese sandwiches and 1,000 calories worth of energy drinks for lunch. Dinner would be more pasta, pizza and energy drinks.

These days Phelps prefers to have a foot-long sandwich for lunch, and then grains, meat and veg for dinner.