PLoS One. 2016; 11(6): e0156028.
Published online 2016 Jun 3. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156028
PMCID: PMC4892632
Ilan Kelman,1,2,* Tobias Luthe,3,4 Romano Wyss,5 Silje H. Tørnblad,6 Yvette Evers,7 Marina Martin Curran,8 Richard J. Williams,9 and Eric L. Berlow9
Frederic Amblard, Editor
study integrates quantitative social network analysis (SNA) and
qualitative interviews for understanding tourism business links in
isolated communities through analysing spatial characteristics. Two case
studies are used, the Surselva-Gotthard region in the Swiss Alps and
Longyearbyen in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, to test the spatial
characteristics of physical proximity, isolation, and smallness for
understanding tourism business links. In the larger Surselva-Gotthard
region, we found a strong relationship between geographic separation of
the three communities on compartmentalization of the collaboration
network. A small set of businesses played a central role in steering
collaborative decisions for this community, while a group of
structurally ‘peripheral’ actors were less influential. By contrast, the
business community in Svalbard showed compartmentalization that was
independent of geographic distance between actors. Within towns of
similar size and governance scale, Svalbard is more compartmentalized,
and those compartments are not driven by geographic separation of the
collaboration clusters. This compartmentalization in Svalbard was
reflected in a lower density of formal business collaboration ties
compared to the communities of the Alps. We infer that the difference is
due to Svalbard having higher cultural diversity and population
turnover than the Alps communities. We propose that integrating
quantitative network analysis from simple surveys with qualitative
interviews targeted from the network results is an efficient general
approach to identify regionally specific constraints and opportunities
for effective governance.
Network Analysis (SNA) is a technique allowing the systematic
quantitative and qualitative analysis of the links amongst actors in
various contexts [1], assisting the understanding of how the system in which those actors operate is able to function [2]. From its origins in sociology, it has expanded across disciplines including tourism research [3] [4].
this context, SNA reveals if and how tourism business actors are linked
within a location or within a sector by specifying the concentration of
links in certain parts of the network and the number of links amongst
specific actors or sub-groups. Links can be of various types, referring
to, for example, direct cooperation to support tourists, information
exchange, financial ties such as joint suppliers, or common ownership. [3], [4] and [5]
use SNA to analyse how the tourism industry in the Swiss Alps deals
with external pressures, notably climate change. Tourism business
networks comprising formal and informal professional collaborative links
in different destinations can be compared to glean insights into how
the businesses address social and environmental changes in tandem.
SNAs do not always fully identify a destination’s entire spatial
characteristics, even though the spatial characteristics influence
tourism business operations as shown by the literature from, for
instance, island tourism [6], [7] and mountain tourism [8], [9].
Since so many factors affect how businesses operate, a single method
such as quantitative SNA or qualitative interviews could only reveal so
much [10].
Examining these limitations can provide insight into methodological
combinations to build on each method’s strengths (see also [11]).
study uses quantitative SNA and qualitative interviews, combining both
methods and both data sets, to test the spatial characteristics of
physical proximity, isolation, and smallness for understanding tourism
business links. Two small, isolated locations are surveyed: (i)
Surselva-Gotthard in the Swiss Alps comprising the three communities
Andermatt, Disentis and Sedrun (the area surrounding Sedrun is sometimes
referred to as Tujetsch), and (ii) Longyearbyen on Svalbard in the
Norwegian Arctic. In Surselva-Gotthard, the interviews helped to inform
the role of geographic structure in the business network and in the
isolation of peripheral actors identified in the SNA. In Longyearbyen,
the interviews revealed weak and diffuse informal ties that were not
explicitly identified in the quantitative network. Together,
quantitative network analysis from simple survey data, combined with
targeted follow-up interviews based on those results, helped to identify
regionally specific opportunities and challenges for more effective
Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Proximity
provides useful formal tools, qualitative and quantitative, for
characterising networks of individuals or collectives (such as
governments or businesses) and the strength and distribution of links
within those networks [2], [10], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]
examples of which were given above. One goal is to infer from the
network structure important aspects of community dynamics, such as how
actors and groups of actors (clusters or sub-groups) influence one
another and how the entire community responds to external changes.
Different types of links lead to different potentials for governance
within and external to that network [18];
for instance, adjusting to social or environmental change. The
direction and strength of communication links can also be used as a
further indicator of power relations and influence [19].
the extensive literature on SNA and the extensive literature on spatial
characteristics of networks in innovation studies [20], [21] these two areas have the potential to be joined more [10].
SNA studies do not always explore spatial characteristics of networks,
such as the network’s level of isolation from other networks or how the
physical proximity of actors in a network might affect their
interactions. An example exists where it has been done for tourism
businesses [3], [4]
as well as, from a different field, comparing SNA with other
quantitative models to explain genetic diversity of southwest Pacific
islanders [22]. Similarly, qualitative SNA data from tourism businesses have been used to validate quantitative network data [23] with similar approaches taken for other case studies [24], [25].
many studies often pick a qualitative approach or a quantitative
approach, rather than combining qualitative and quantitative methods in
order to evaluate the level of information which SNA can and cannot
provide [26]. An exception is [27]
using SNA and other methods, quantitative and qualitative, to analyse
psychologically one child’s experience of school-related places.
Quantitative and qualitative methods should not be seen as a dichotomy,
but as mutually complementary approaches giving different understandings
of a phenomenon [10], [27].
examining business networks, the evidence is mixed regarding the
influence of (i) physical proximity of network actors and (ii) networks
on interactions amongst the businesses in the network [28], [29].
For example, information and communication technologies (ICTs),
including the internet, blur perceived proximity if these technologies
are used [30] but that does not necessarily obviate geographical proximity effects [31]. Meanwhile, studies [32], [33], [34], [35], [36] indicate the challenges of formulating generic conclusions about how physical proximity and isolation impact business links. [20]
summarises much of the literature in a useful typology, distinguishing
five proximity factors relevant for links: 1. cognitive, 2.
organizational, 3. social, 4. institutional, and 5. geographic referring
to travel distance or travel time. An example of the application and
extension of this typology is for knowledge networks [37].
examining the fifth factor, geographic proximity, flows of information
tend to decay with increasing distance meaning that information about
the availability, suitability, and reliability of potential links
decreases in quality and quantity [38], [39], [40].
Consequently, this tradition of research predicts that patterns of
links are strongly driven by the geographic distribution of individuals
and organizations as well as the ease with which they can exchange
knowledge at different distances.
neither the geographic distribution nor the ease of knowledge exchange
is necessarily prominent in any case study. [41]
examined the use of social media for organising the Occupy Wall Street
movement and still found that increased geographical proximity increased
links despite the ease of using the technology. [42]
examined networks of inventors for German biotechnology concluding that
technological development lessened the impact of geographical proximity
on links because, over time, links formed with partners of partners,
increasing the geographical distance of links. The wide diversity of
case studies could be expected to yield the disparate results observed,
supporting the relevance of the comparative analysis enacted for this
Case Study Overview
The Surselva-Gotthard area in central Switzerland comprises three main municipalities across two cantons, covering 525 km2,
with the lowest point at the Rhine River (962 m) and the highest point
at the peak of Piz Russein (3,640 m). The area has a resident population
of 6,833 as of 2012, plus a substantial number of seasonal residents
during the peak months of the winter and summer tourism seasons [43] (Table 1).
Tourism businesses are generally small, numbering almost 170 depending
on the exact definition of a tourism business. An exact census of
tourism businesses does not exist, especially since many residents draw
equally upon tourists and locals for their livelihood, often across
several jobs.
The region’s tourism sector is currently in flux. After a decade of decreasing guest numbers [44],
a major development project called “Andermatt Swiss Alps” has been
creating a new situation, with a shift in the regional power structures
and introducing economic and environmental challenges and opportunities.
The main identified threat currently is that the future development of
Surselva’s tourism sector is linked too strongly to this large-scale
project, leading to envy and tensions in the region [45].
SNA conducted in Surselva-Gotthard covered 170 businesses of which 71
(42%) responded to the survey naming a total of 159 businesses as being
within their network [3], [4].
The main locations of the businesses named were in the towns of
Andermatt (52 businesses), Sedrun (50 businesses), and Disentis (31
businesses) which lie from west to east on the same road, while the
Oberalp mountain pass between Andermatt and Sedrun is both a geographic
and a political border between the two cantons. Additionally, 26 tourism
related businesses came from the region outside these three
communities. Then, informed by the SNA, one-on-one semi-structured
interviews were completed with 20 actors from the cores and the
peripheries of the networks indicated by high, medium, and low
betweenness centrality—an SNA parameter describing the importance an
actor has in linking with others [46].
For the comparative analysis in this paper, the businesses from outside
the three towns and their linkages are exempted from the
Surselva-Gotthard sample (Table 2).
is an archipelago in the high Arctic, 800 kilometres north of mainland
Norway. Norway has sovereignty over the islands, but other countries
have resource access rights through the Svalbard Treaty [47].
Longyearbyen is Svalbard’s main settlement, situated at 78°N with a
population of about 2,500 as of 2012, approximately three quarters of
whom are Norwegian with the rest coming from about three dozen
countries, but mainly Thailand, Sweden, and Russia [48].
The population turnover rate is approximately 25% each year and the
main industries are mining, higher education, research, and tourism [48].
No indigenous community preceded settlement. Residents are defined as
those living there for more than six months, but by law they are only
temporary residents, because they must retain a fixed address outside of
Svalbard (Table 1).
businesses in Longyearbyen were identified as being in the tourism
sector. They are predominantly owned and operated by Norwegians, with
the owner-operators focusing on a steady cash flow (even if seasonal),
but having minimal financial contingency and limited strategic business
plans. They are not always entirely profit-driven, instead enjoying the
lifestyle of independent working, which enables sacrificing business
time for leisure and family time [49], [50].
SNA in Svalbard covered all 85 businesses of which 21 (24.7%) responded
to the survey, naming a total of 61 businesses as being within their
network [51] (Table 2).
The SNA subsequently informed 20 one-on-one semi-structured interviews
completed with actors from the core and the periphery of the network,
indicated by high, medium and low betweenness centrality.
both cases, the tourism-related businesses and organisations comprise
the nodes of the networks, while the links are formal and informal
business collaborations. Links were generated based on printed
questionnaires asking the responding businesses with which other
businesses they professionally collaborate. Further questions on the
topics and quality of such linkages were included in the surveys, but
these data are not the subject of this paper’s analysis which focuses on
the quantity and existence (or otherwise) of links. In the qualitative
one-on-one interviews, the results of the survey were validated and
discussed. The network graphs were presented to the interviewees at a
later stage in the interviews and discussed in regard to their own
perceived or expected network position.
the data collection in Svalbard, the approving body for human subjects
research is the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. For the data
collection in Surselva-Gotthard, the approving body for human subjects
research is the Working Group of the Swiss Ethical Committees for
Research with Human Subjects (WGEC). Both bodies acknowledged that oral
consent, recorded as part of each interview, is acceptable. No
personally identifiable data were collected in either case study.
SNA and Interviews in Surselva-Gotthard
[4] report the SNA for Surselva-Gotthard and [51]
report the SNA for Longyearbyen. A comparison shows that the
Surselva-Gotthard network compared to the Longyearbyen network has a
more cohesive (higher link density) and more centralized structure with a
strongly linked core of actors. The network of Longyearbyen is less
densely linked and more compartmentalized or ‘modular’ than
Surselva-Gotthard and its three towns, without a clear core-periphery
separation. Both higher modularity and lower mean proportion of
inter-cluster links in Longyearbyen than in the Surselva-Gotthard towns
indicate this higher compartmentalization (Table 2).
These structural patterns in formal ties suggest that Surselva-Gotthard
may have a higher potential for quickly steering governance processes
and actions with faster information flows [46], [52], [53],
but may suffer from low diversity of new ideas and an uneven power
distribution that may marginalise the opinions of peripheral actors and
thus suppress new ideas [46], [52]. Conversely, Longyearbyen may have greater potential for new idea generation internally due to higher group diversity [46], [52], but less potential for community-wide fast governance intervention [4], [53].
None of these SNA metrics displays the spatial location of the businesses. Fig 1
presents the SNA according to geo-location of the businesses in the
three communities of Surselva-Gotthard. This network is characterized by
three ‘modules’ [51] or groups of nodes (businesses) that tend to be linked to (i.e., collaborate with) one another more than to other nodes (Fig 1:
coloured groups). These collaboration modules are significantly
associated with geography: the mean geographic distance among all pairs
of businesses within modules is significantly shorter than the mean
geographic distance among all pairs of businesses between modules (Fig 2)
This pattern is confirmed in that the ratio of links between businesses
is highest within each town. For Andermatt’s links, 50% are internal;
for Sedrun’s links, 52% are internal; and for Disentis’ links, 60% are
internal. As well, links between towns are highest with adjacent towns:
Andermatt-Sedrun has 26% of all links, Sedrun-Disentis has 28.2% of all
links, and Andermatt-Disentis has only 5.7% of all links. This evidence
gives a correlation between propinquity and links, supporting findings
from other studies [54], [55]. The evidence does not prove causation (see also [40]),
in terms of either propinquity causing links (which would be expected
since people often prioritise those physical closest to them) or vice
versa (which could happen if existing links cause businesses to move
closer to each other).

Surselva-Gotthard tourism business collaboration network displayed in
two ways: a) Force-directed layout where nodes that are more connected
to one another cluster together in space, and b) geo-located in the
three towns Andermatt, Disentis, and Sedrun. ...

relationship between geographic distance and collaboration modules for
both the Surselva-Gotthard region in the Alps and Longyearbyen in the
Nonetheless, the
Surselva-Gotthard interviews then provided possible causative mechanisms
for propinquity leading to links, confirming the importance of physical
proximity for business links and explaining why. The businesses usually
had websites, but did not use ICTs extensively for their operations,
with the website often being little more than a business card. Because
most businesses were owner-operated, or employed a small number of
staff, the owners spent their time on operational tasks, such as
managing the property, dealing with clients, getting supplies, and
accounting. Little time remained for networking outside of immediate,
operational needs. It is easiest to work with those who are closest,
rather than using email, Twitter, and/or Skype to forge and maintain
networks with people who are farther away—especially if the links are
for products, supplies, and on-site services rather than for knowledge
or advice. This explanation supports the contention that ICTs will not
necessarily undermine the geographic proximity effect [31].
Nonetheless, in the tourism service industry, significant cooperation
can involve appointing others to deliver a service at a certain time and
location, or by sending customers to each other, which ICTs can
facilitate. Little such cooperation, however, was observed in
Causative mechanisms for the uneven
distribution of links amongst the three towns are also not evident from
the quantitative SNA, but the interviews suggest possible factors.
First, the main language in Andermatt is German compared to Romansh for
Sedrun and Disentis. Second, Andermatt is in a different canton with a
different cantonal government from the other two, a factor relevant for
institutional and social proximity described by [20].
Third, the three towns are on the same road, but Andermatt is reached
by a winding road which rises 800 m from Disentis to the Oberalp Pass
(2,044 m above sea level), accessible only by train in the winter,
before descending 600 m to Andermatt. These factors were raised in the
interviews, are corroborated by the location’s physical geography, and
explain causes for the lack of links between Disentis and Andermatt. The
interviews further hinted at jealousy from historic rivalry,
development patterns separating the locations, and the large ongoing
investment in Andermatt. The reasons for limited links between Sedrun
and Disentis, as hinted at in the interviews, were physical proximity
and jealousy because of Sedrun recently seeking closer links with
Andermatt due to the latter’s new development. Interpreting via social
embeddedness [57],
Sedrun and Andermatt’s links are being enhanced by social embeddedness
while links between Sedrun and Disentis are being limited due to lack of
social embeddedness.
In effect, the quantitative SNA
indicates the possibility that the spatial layout of the
Surselva-Gotthard towns might lead to some degree of town-based
isolation, so the businesses focus their links on who is closest to
them. That is not necessarily bad, especially if it is cheaper or more
convenient to acquire and monitor products and services from nearer
suppliers. The interviews confirm spatial layout as an important factor,
in tandem with historical, political, personal, and industry-specific
factors, including jealousy leading to the avoidance of links with
rivals from other towns. The qualitatively gleaned possible causations
(from the interviews) could explain the correlation (from the
quantitative SNA). Thus, the qualitative interviews and SNA have
complemented each other for understanding spatial characteristics of the
tourism business networks and links.
potential test for the influence of spatial layout on links is
emerging. The Surselva-Gotthard region is planning a Destination
Management Organisation (DMO) aiming to improve links within the tourism
network, a strategy supported by the literature [58].
If inter-town links increase, then further evidence might emerge that a
DMO can potentially overcome physical proximity—and other barriers—for
forming links.
SNA and Interviews in Longyearbyen
Compared to the Surselva-Gotthard towns, the Longyearbyen SNA [51] exhibits higher compartmentalization of businesses. Five small clusters/subgroups are formed (Fig 3). These clusters emerge despite close physical proximity amongst the businesses (Fig 2),
much closer than Surselva-Gotthard, and despite Longyearbyen businesses
being much farther away from external links than Surselva-Gotthard
businesses. The higher compartmentalization with more subgroups that are
not defined by municipal boundaries (as in Surselva-Gotthard) may
support the generation of new ideas especially through weak links
between the subgroups [11].
The high population turnover rate and the internationalization also
need to be considered as factors bringing a high rate of new strategies,
products, and services to the tourism industry.

Longyearbyen tourism business collaboration network displayed in two
ways: a) Force-directed layout where nodes that are more connected to
one another cluster together in space, and b) geo-located within the
town of Longyearbyen. This network segments ...
The isolation of Longyearbyen is further highlighted as explaining the SNA results [51],
but the community’s isolation is an explanatory factor for some of the
results—as confirmed by the qualitative interviews—rather than emerging
from the quantitative SNA data. Isolation as an explanatory factor is
further emphasised by Surselva-Gotthard having much less pronounced
isolation and a much more externally connected tourism supply chain than
The qualitative interview data point to
several geographic characteristics of the business links, since the
smallness and isolation of the community were emphasised in the
interviews. High competition and high fluctuation of businesses and
business ownership were other reasons identified in the interviews which
explain the SNA results of high modularity (compartmentalization) and
low overall link density. The latter occurs despite the physical
proximity of the businesses which the quantitative SNA identified but
could not explain. Additionally, no ownership possibilities for land on
Svalbard enhances a lack of place attachment and of community feeling,
thus reducing interest in forging links [51].
Longyearbyen interviews further indicate that the SNA results
highlighted formal, direct business links and not broader, indirect
business synergies. For example, the isolation and small size of
Longyearbyen mean that if one business attracts tourists, then everyone
potentially benefits, even if they do not have links [59].
This type of indirect facilitation among competing businesses occurs
when one business increases the size of the tourist ‘pie’ which is then
shared by all. That is, the interviews suggest that Longyearbyen’s
spatial characteristics generate a feeling that enough business from
tourists is available for everyone, so little anxiety exists about
competition. The business environment was described as being highly
competitive, but not cutthroat since there was always enough business to
go around.
To most Longyearbyen respondents, links and
mutual help were simply “business as usual” because small, isolated
communities breed tightness and a community spirit through helping each
other—as is often noted for island communities [60], [61] including for Longyearbyen [59] and, as well, for social groups more generally [62].
If one business could not serve a tourist, then the tourist would be
passed onto another business. To the respondents, that is basic courtesy
and necessity when living in a small, isolated location. Similarly,
when a large cruise ship arrives with hundreds or thousands of tourists
disembarking, the businesses know that they can only handle this
situation together. An added layer is that many businesses have the same
owner(s), so competition amongst those is reduced and clustering might
be enhanced.
Consequently, the
interviews revealed informal day-to-day links and indirect business
facilitations that characterise this small, isolated community, while
the quantitative SNA appears to have elucidated the formal business
structure which is less tightly knit. Again, the methods complement each
other for interpreting geographic characteristics influencing tourism
business networks and links. In fact, advice and conclusions from
previous literature [10], [26], [27]
is confirmed that quantitative and qualitative methods should not be
seen as a dichotomy, but instead as mutually complementary approaches
giving different understandings of a phenomenon, in this case tourism
business links.
Geographic Characteristics from Each Method
Surselva-Gotthard, the division of the regional case study into three
towns appeared to strongly influence the business links and network
structure (Fig 2). Longyearbyen, on the other hand, revealed collaboration clusters that were not associated with geospatial structure (Figs (Figs22 and and3).3).
Both case studies revealed how qualitative interviews drawing out
geographic characteristics and quantitative SNA drawing out network
characteristics can complement each other for understanding how
geographic characteristics affect business links. In Surselva-Gotthard,
the interviews interpreted the role of geographic structure in the
business network and in the isolation of peripheral actors identified in
the SNA. In Longyearbyen, the interviews revealed weak and diffuse
informal ties that were not explicitly identified in the quantitative
network. Those ties are related to the community’s smallness and
isolation. Simultaneously, the sparse and modular structure of the
quantitative network of business links suggests that the qualitative
perception amongst actors of a collaborative business environment may be
From the two methods, for Longyearbyen,
high population and business turnover alongside compartmentalization of
the community into subgroups may support the internal development and
application of diverse and new ideas [46], [52]. That comes at a cost of less coordinated planning and reduced steering of collective action [52],
and the preference for short-term visions and actions which could be at
odds with longer-term interests and approaches, such as environmental
and heritage conservation. In Surselva-Gotthard, a strong sense of place
and cultural identity coupled with an efficient, centralized
communication structure seems to empower links supporting longer-term
visions. This tight social structure may incur costs of ‘groupthink’ [63]
if it limits infusion or acceptance of new strategies, products, and
services; that is, a tight social structure can dampen down suggestions
of trying out different approaches because it has not been done before
or because an individual is in the minority.
though isolation and smallness characterise both case studies, they
manifested differently in the analyses. Surselva-Gotthard’s actors,
spread across three towns within the case study site, displayed
isolation from each other in the network, which was then corroborated by
the qualitative interviews. Quantitative SNA captured the isolation of
the towns from each other to some degree while qualitative interviews
confirmed this result and provided reasons for the isolation. These
findings support similar conclusions such as [62]
that clustering rather than geographical tightness occurs when social
groups are above 30 members, given that the Surselva-Gotthard case study
had more than 30 members and displayed clustering in each town.
interview responses from Longyearbyen indicated that isolation from the
outside world significantly supports informal business links, a
characteristic which, in this instance, the quantitative SNA did not
immediately detect. In both case studies, the lack of corroboration by
the case studies that technological development makes it easier to link
with those at larger distances [42] likely occurred because, as [42]
highlights, the German biotechnology inventor networks were heavily
knowledge-based, whereas the tourism businesses in Surselva-Gotthard and
Longyearbyen use their links more for products and services, rather
than for knowledge exchange. The same explanation applies to this study
not providing evidence to support the approach discussed in [37] because their focus is also on knowledge networking.
Limitations and Further Research
single SNA is frequently used to provide a snapshot of a network in
space and time, with the spatial boundaries defined prior to the
analysis and the temporal boundaries being the time period over which
the survey is conducted. In Longyearbyen, many operators stay for only
three-to-five years. Surselva-Gotthard’s tourism businesses were more
stable, but still with an average time in business of only around a
decade [51].
The SNA for this study was not designed to capture such short-term
fluctuations nor to indicate the differences in links which could result
due to different time scales for business operation.
SNA is sometimes limited to a snapshot in time—but not always, as shown
by analyses of Hungarian businesses from 1987–2001 [64], [65]—qualitative
interviews can more readily point to longer-term trends—as long as
those trends are within the respondents’ awareness and experience. The
more stable population of Surselva-Gotthard can indicate more about
changes over time than the highly mobile population of Longyearbyen.
Similarly, the pre-defined spatial delineation of the research
necessarily leaves out some businesses, such as shipping companies for
Longyearbyen’s tourism since those companies are based outside of
Svalbard. Again, the qualitative interviews can provide insights about
links with businesses outside the SNA’s spatial and temporal boundaries.
Limitations of interviews include the respondents’ biases, memories,
and perceptions which are important for their own sake but which can
skew an external researcher’s analysis [66], [67].
SNA thus becomes useful through its potential to detect metrics or to
hint at spatial and temporal characteristics which then trigger
qualitative research for elaborating them. SNA also identifies relevant
actors for interviews, given their roles in the network and their
existing links, thereby providing a systematic baseline for moving
forward with qualitative interviews which reveal further insights about
the locations’ geographic characteristics. As with other studies on
proximity effects, the work here does not directly distinguish between
levels of action, such as individuals, social networks, firms, and
markets [57] nor does it necessarily distinguish amongst different types of links.
Some of the first-order limitations of SNA in describing geographic characteristics can be overcome [20], [21], [68], [69].
Based on one round of SNA, spatial boundaries can be changed if the
actors indicate links with businesses outside the originally delineated
region, as was experienced in this study—which would support further
analysis of how physical proximity, isolation, and smallness influence
network ties. Snowball sampling was compared with a full sample for SNA
applied to Surselva-Gotthard and Longyearbyen [51].
They demonstrate how snowball sampling in Longyearbyen picked up the
shipping companies as well as other businesses outside of Svalbard which
were missed in the initial pre-defined spatial extent of the survey.
Similarly, snowball sampling demonstrated how many businesses in both
case study sites which do not serve tourists directly nonetheless exist
because of the tourism industry, such as plumbers and grocery shops
whose clientele relies to a large extent on tourist accommodation
businesses. Further analyses could incorporate these businesses.
Finally, repeating the SNA every few years for a longitudinal study
would indicate changes over time.
study combined two methods in two case studies for understanding
tourism business links particularly with regards to the role of physical
proximity, isolation, and smallness. The qualitative interviews point
to the influence of spatial characteristics that do not appear in the
quantitative SNA for Longyearbyen, but which do appear to some degree
for Surselva-Gotthard’s quantitative SNA. In both cases, quantitative
SNA provided the initial insights which the qualitative interviews were
then able to investigate. Combining methods and data yields the most
comprehensive understanding of the identified geographical
characteristics influencing the business networks and understanding
their links with and influences on each other.
a tourism business in a small, isolated location has difficulties due
to these spatial characteristics. Understanding how the spatial
characteristics influence links, and potentially vice versa, yields
advice for the businesses on improving their use of links with other
businesses—which, as seen in Longyearbyen, does not necessarily entail
diminishing a competitive spirit. Given the ongoing, rapid social and
environmental changes affecting tourism destinations worldwide,
enhancing local links might mean survival for many of the
Funding Statement
Swiss Network for International Studies to Tobias Luthe.
study is part of the ArcAlpNet project (Comparative social network
governance of climate resilience in the Arctic and the Alps) funded by
the Swiss Network of International Studies (SNIS). Co-authors Richard J.
Williams and Eric L. Berlow are employed by Vibrant Data Inc. Vibrant
Data Inc. provided support in the form of salaries for authors RJW and
ELB, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the
‘author contributions’ section.Data Availability
Data are available at
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