Thursday, 27 October 2016

Call for Papers: The Northwestern University Society for the Theory of Ethics and Politics (NUSTEP) will be holding its 11th annual conference at Northwestern University on March 30–April 1, 2017.


150px-northwestern_university_seal-svgThe conference will feature keynote addresses by Marcia Baron and Kieran Setiya. We are now accepting paper submissions.
Deadline: January 10, 2017.
Submission Guidelines
We welcome submissions from faculty and graduate students, as some sessions will be reserved for student presentations. Please submit an essay of approximately 4000 words. Essay topics in all areas of ethical theory and political philosophy will be considered, although some priority will be given to essays that take up themes from the work of Marcia Baron and Kieran Setiya: agency, akrasia, Hume’s ethics, friendship, impartiality and partiality, Kant’s ethics, know-how, liberalism, love, loyalty, moral epistemology, philosophy of law, rationality, reasons, self-defense, and self-love.
Essays should be prepared for blind review in word, rtf, or pdf format. Graduate submissions should be sent by e-mail to; faculty submissions should be sent by e-mail to
The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2017. Notices of acceptance will be sent by February 15.
For more information, please contact Kyla Ebels-Duggan at the e-mail address above or visit our website: