Monday, 31 October 2016

Herb-drug Interactions: An insight into cardiovascular diseases based on case reports.

2016 Oct 7. [Epub ahead of print]

Author information

  • 1Observatory of Herb-Drug Interactions & Drug Discovery Group of Center for Pharmaceutical Studies, Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra.


Cardiovascular patients frequently use herbal medicinal products, in order to contribute to the improvement of their chronic condition without medical intervention. However, they are likely to suffer from adverse effects from natural products and herb-drug interactions. This work aimed to alert cardiovascular patients and healthcare providers of the potential of occurrence of herb-drug interactions with cardiovascular therapy. Information obtained from the campaign "Aprender Saúde Entre as Plantas e os Medicamentos", carried out by the Observatory of Herb-Drug Interactions (, was accessed in order to exemplify some selected interactions. From data received during the campaign, it was highlighted the prevalence of certain natural products particularly goji berries, green tea, mangosteen and rooibos that have significant cardiovascular effects. For this reason their intake should be carefully monitored in cardiovascular patients. This prevalence of use suggests a pattern in their use in Portugal. The ending results also indicate that there is still a lack of knowledge about the possible risks of herbal products, which may adversely affect the health of any patient. Thus becomes clear the value of the role of health professionals in the screening of such interactions.