Sunday, 30 October 2016

JOB- Full Professorship: Socio-Ecological Interactions Radboud University Nijmegen

The Institute for Science, Innovation, and Society (ISIS) at Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) seeks applicants for a Full Professor position in Socio-Ecological Interactions.
Application deadline: 17 November 2016
You will develop a collaborative research programme centred around socio-ecological interactions and conduct, develop and supervise excellent, interdisciplinary and societally relevant research devoted to furthering socio-ecological transitions, both nationally and / or internationally. You will be expected to acquire substantial external research funding (nationally and internationally) and collaborate with other Institutes of the Faculty of Science, notably the Institute for Water and Wetland Research (IWWR), as well as with other faculties of Radboud University. Your research style should combine engaged academic scholarship with a commitment to nature and the environment. You will publish your research results in relevant and prominent peer-reviewed journals contributing to science in society research, engage in societal debates and policy, and represent Radboud University, FNWI and ISIS on relevant academic, policy and societal podiums.
In collaboration with colleagues from ISIS and other institutes you will contribute to teaching and course development, particularly on the Master’s level, to educate engaged scholars of the future. Teaching activities focus on the Science in Society specialisation, including courses such as “Science and Societal Interaction”, “Framing Knowledge” and “Debating Science in Society”, as well as on supervision of Master’s theses on Science in Society topics.
You will actively contribute to organization and management through collaboration and inspirational leadership, as a Board member, but also through external interaction with academia and society. You combine academic prominence with a style of working oriented towards building interdisciplinary coalitions and societal impact.
  • a background in ecology/environmental research (nature; landscape; biodiversity; sustainability);
  • a PhD and expert track record in social science relevant to socio-ecological interactions, reflecting academic prominence;
  • experience and affinity with interdisciplinary research and excellent acquisition capabilities;
  • excellent teaching skills and experience, confirmed by positive evaluations of courses and a proven track record of supervising Master’s theses;
  • an extensive network, nationally and internationally, in research and policy arenas;
  • excellent personal coaching and people-oriented management skills;
  • excellent oral and written communication skills in English and (for candidates from abroad) the willingness to learn Dutch.
Furthermore you are a team-player, focused on building bridges and on encouraging, supporting and inspiring others, both within ISIS and within the broader academic and social environment.
As a team of engaged scholars, representing expertise in the social sciences and the humanities, but firmly embedded within the Faculty of Science, ISIS is uniquely positioned to contribute to responsible research and sustainable development, both intellectually and practically, through research, academic teaching and societal outreach, in close collaboration with the other institutes of the Faculty of Science, with scientists and scholars, policy makers and societal stakeholders, nationally as well as internationally, through interpretation (reflection), interaction (mutual learning) and implementation (education and policy advice) on the basis of a focused research programme, oriented towards two overarching themes, namely socio-ecological interactions and science and responsible research. ISIS aims to provide an open academic culture of collaboration and mutual learning in which staff members are offered opportunities to learn and develop themselves. We strive for an atmosphere which is collaborative and inspiring, and regard research and teaching as teamwork and as a shared responsibility. We aim for gender equality on all levels. Radboud University provides high-quality child care facilities and working schedules are flexible.
For more information on ISIS here.
  • employment: 0,8 – 1,0 fte;
  • a maximum gross monthly salary of € 7,659 based on a 38-hour working week (salary scale H2);
  • in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
  • duration of the contract: one year, with the possibility of an extension for an indefinite period;
  • you will be classified as Full Professor 2 (hoogleraar 2) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).
Radboud University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such encourages applications from women and minorities.
More information is available online here. Further questions should be directed to Prof. Dr Hub Zwart.
Upload your application (attn. of Ms W. van der Pluijm) exclusively here. Your application should include (and be limited to) the following attachment(s):
  • CV
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement
  • Names and addresses of three references
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed from mid November.