Sunday, 30 October 2016

Max Planck Institute fellowships

Predoctoral Fellow (Dept. I)

November 7, 2016
Department / Research Group
Department I
Other Departments / Research Groups
Department I
For questions concerning the research project and general questions concerning Department I of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, please contact Dr. Pietro Daniel Omodeo (
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department I (Prof. Jürgen Renn), announces a
three-year predoctoral position
starting at the earliest in January 2017 (with the possibility of extension).
Outstanding junior scholars are invited to apply. The position is awarded as part of the research project CRC 980 “Episteme in Bewegung (Episteme in Motion),” Sub-project B6 “Formation of Cosmological Knowledge in the Pre-Modern Era: Transmission and Change in Diachronic and Transcultural Perspectives” ( The predoctoral fellow is also expected to participate in at least one other research project of the Institute.

Research projects should concern the medieval and early modern history of astronomy, including its cultural and social embedment (see We encourage interdisciplinary projects, especially in the fields of the history of science, cultural and intellectual history, philosophy and literature.

Preference will be given to candidates with a Masters degree in the history of science, history, history of philosophy or classical philology, and with basic knowledge of the history of astronomy. The candidate should have experience of working with primary sources. Good knowledge of Latin and/or other languages relevant to the history of early science is desirable.

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an international and interdisciplinary research institute ( The interview language is English or German. Candidates are expected to present their own work and discuss that of others fluently in English. Applications, however, may be submitted in German, English, French, Spanish or Italian.

All application materials (including a CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of the applicant’s MA certificate or verification that the applicant’s thesis has already been submitted, a digital copy of the applicant’s MA thesis in the form of a PDF, and proof of language abilities, if available) should be submitted online at:
by November 7, 2016. Only applications submitted in this way will be considered.

The position will be endowed as a predoctoral fellow employment rated 50% TVöD E13 in the German system. We look forward to receiving applications from scholars of all nationalities. The Max Planck Society is dedicated to increasing the amount of employed women in the science and therefore strongly welcomes applications from women. Furthermore, it is committed to promoting more handicapped individuals and thus also strongly encourages them to apply.

Predoctoral Fellows (Dept. II)

November 15, 2016
Other Departments / Research Groups
Department II
For questions concerning the research project and Department II, please contact Dr. David Sepkoski (; for administrative questions concerning the position and the Institute, please contact
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
"Writing-Up" Predoctoral Fellowship
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (MPIWG), Department II (Director: Prof. Lorraine Daston), offers
two six-month predoctoral fellowships
for outstanding students in the final stage of completing their dissertations.

The fellowships are open to doctoral candidates of all nationalitites and disciplines, except those who have already received three years of Max Planck Society predoctoral fellowship funding. Department II holds a bimonthly colloquium in English, and candidates are expected to be able to present and discuss their work and that of others in that language. Applications, however, may be submitted in German, French, or English. There is no restriction as to specialty or period within the history of science. The primary selection criteria are the quality of research and the scholarly promise of the candidate. However, relevance to Department II’s ongoing research projects serves as a secondary criterion. Project descriptions may be found at

The fellowships run from 1 February 2017 to 31 August 2017 or from 1 September 2017 to 28 February 2018. They are endowed with a monthly stipend of  € 1,365.

Applicants should submit the following materials as one single PDF-document:
1.    Curriculum vitae and list of publications.
2.    Brief (maximum 750 words) description of dissertation.

A letter of recommendation from the dissertation advisor should endorse the candidate and confirm that the dissertation will with high probability be completed within the term of the fellowship. This letter should be sent separately to All other materials must be submitted as one single PDF-document to the following link:

Please note that only electronic submissions via this link will be accepted. 
All application materials (including reference letters) must be submitted no later than
November 15, 2016 (23:58 CET)

Applications from women are especially welcomed. The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting more handicapped individuals and encourages them to apply. Finalists may expect a decision by December 1, 2016.

Predoctoral/Postdoctoral Fellow (GMPG)

November 20, 2016
Other Departments / Research Groups
GMPG (History of the Max Planck Society)
For questions about applying for the position, please contact Kristina Schönfeldt of the research program History of the Max Planck Society at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstr. 22, 14195 Berlin, at the same email address (
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
The research program History of the Max Planck Society (Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, GMPG) is advertising a position for a postdoc or doctoral fellow with an employment contract in the research area of
History of the Behavioral Sciences, Neuroscience and the Cognitive Sciences
to be filled at the earliest possible date for an initial period of 3 years.

The research program History of the Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, MPG) has been commissioned by the president of the MPG to research the history of the society from its founding in the year 1948 up to 2002. Biology and the life sciences are two of the MPG’s central fields of research, investigated in multiple institutes, and serve as examples on the basis of which the research program can investigate how research areas become differentiated and specialized, and how scientific innovations emerge. These fields include, among others, the behavioral sciences, neuroscience and the cognitive sciences (BNC).
Various parts of the BNC are categorized as life sciences, medicine or humanities. What they have in common is, first, that they describe core issues of the way humans perceive themselves. Second, their thematic overlap and shared social references constitute an interface between the life sciences, medicine, and the humanities. For this reason they are of particular scientific interest for the research program, especially since they are also areas considered to be burdened historically through psychiatrists’ participation in human experimentation and the murder of the patients in the era of National Socialism, and thus call for particular attention in the research program. 
The questions in the BNC important for the research program include:
  • How did the relationship between the academic cultures (humanities and life sciences) develop in the BNC?
  • In what way are socially relevant topics like psychosocial development, deviance, addiction, criminality and enhancement reflected in research by the MPG?
  • What role did clinical research play within the MPG and what development did it undergo? First in relation to research on animal experimentation, and second with a view to its ethical condition?
  • What were the policies of the Max Planck Institutes and the MPG concerning Germany’s past in the case of the BNC?

Qualification profile: In order to be able to adequately contextualize the contribution of neuroscience, brain and cognitive research within the MPG, the research program History of the Max Planck Society is advertising for an initial period a three-year position for a postdoc or doctoral fellow in this area, to be filled at the earliest possible date. The research results will flow into a compilation volume to be issued by the research program on the history of the MPG.
The ideal applicant would bring both qualifications in medicine and psychiatry and documented knowledge of science history (for instance, as a historian of medicine). Active participation in the working group of the GMPG research program is expected, as is the willingness to perform independent archive research. Good communication skills and a capacity for teamwork are essential. Prerequisites for working in our internationally staffed institute are secure verbal and written communication in German and English.
Remuneration is based on the German civil service standards TVÖD (E13/2, E13 or E14, depending on qualifications). Applicants from scholars of all nationalities are welcome; applications from women are especially encouraged. The Max Planck Society endeavors to employ more severely disabled persons and expressly appeals to them to apply.

Please submit your application with cover letter, curriculum vitae, a sample of written scholarship, copies of certificates and an exposé of your research proposal (max. 5 pages), in electronic format only, by November 20th, 2016 (23:59 CET)
marked with the reference GMPG-Neuroscience (MPG)
to the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) at the following email address:


Postdoctoral Fellows (Dept. III)

November 30, 2016
Department / Research Group
Department III
For questions concerning the research project and Department III, please contact Prof Dagmar Schäfer (; for technical questions regarding the application portal, for administrative questions concerning the position and the Institute, please first contact the Department secretary (
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Department III, Artefacts, Action, and Knowledge, Director: Prof Dagmar Schäfer,
Two Postdoctoral Fellows, starting date: 01 September 2017
for three years, with employment contract.
The positions are in close conjunction with the research agenda of Dept. III (

Outstanding junior scholars with suitable experience in science-, technology-, economic history, STS, anthropology, regional studies or other relevant fields are invited to apply.

Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of science or related field at the time the position begins (PhD achieved in 2015 or later), and be able to show evidence of scholarly excellence in the form of initial international publications. Research projects should relate to the two major projects currently pursued at the Department:
and The Body of Animals (

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an international and interdisciplinary research institute ( Postdoctoral fellows are expected to participate in the research activities of the Institute, and to present their own work and discuss that of others fluently in English. Applications may be submitted in German, English, Chinese or French.
The positions are primarily devoted to research, with no teaching. Remuneration is based on the TVöD-Bund pay scales (E13).
Candidates of all nationalities are invited to apply; applications from women are especially welcome. The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting handicapped individuals and encourages them to apply.
Candidates are requested to submit their applications online using the following link:
Deadline for submission:  30 November 2016 (23:59 CET)
Note that only electronic submissions will be accepted. Only successful candidates will be notified.
Your application should contain – uploaded as 1 PDF document:
  • Cover letter, (indicating in which project you are interested)
  • Curriculum vitae including list of publications
  • research prospectus (maximum 750 words)
  • sample of writing
  • names and contact details of at least two referees.