Saturday, 29 October 2016

new interdisciplinary PhD program in Argumentation Studies

The University of Windsor invites applications for our new interdisciplinary PhD program in Argumentation Studies, to commence Fall 2017.  This program builds on the informal logic tradition in Philosophy at Windsor in conjunction with other Windsor strengths, including Windsor Law and a variety of cognate MA programs.

We welcome applicants (MA or equivalent) from all fields related to argumentation studies. In addition to the traditional argumentation theory fields of rhetoric, communications, and philosophy, the program has particular strengths in feminism and social justice, legal reasoning, scientific reasoning, visual reasoning, and computer science. Applications are due January 15 for September start.  

Full program information, including application instructions, can be found on-line:

Catherine E. Hundleby, PhD
Coordinator, Argumentation Studies PhD 

519.253.3000 x3847
Chrysler Hall North 2185