Friday, 28 October 2016

UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship $50,000 pa – Climate Justice

Applicants are invited to apply for a UNSW PhD scholarship in the area of climate justice
The PhD topic is open within the area of climate justice. Philosophical issues associated with (but not limited to) the following topics are welcome:
·      Responsibility and climate harms 
·      Emissions budgets
·      Resources and rights
·      Emissions trading
·      Ethics and climate transitions
·      Non state actors and climate change
Scholarships are of 4 years duration with a stipend of $A40,000 pa + up to $A10,000 pa support funds (travel/research). There is also a tuition fee waiver attached to the scholarship.
Applicants should contact Prof Jeremy Moss to express interest in applying for the Scholarship.
Applicants MUST read the guidelines before making contact.
Go to:
See also
Climate justice is a major focus of research at UNSW. There are several staff conducting research in this area. See:
Applicants ought to contact Prof Moss as soon as possible before Nov 10th to obtain initial approval to apply. 
Applicants are invited to send a CV and a short abstract on their proposed research area (max 500 words). Evidence of past social engagement/impact or plans for future social engagement/impact should also be included and any past relevant professional experience. 

Jeremy Moss
Professor of Political Philosophy
University of New South Wales
T: 02-93852357