Call for Application
USS univie: summer school
SWC Scientific World Conceptions
Genomics: Philosophy, Ethics and Policy
Vienna, July 3-14, 2017
Over the last two decades, genomics has emerged as a powerful site for not just re-configuring understandings and enactments of life, but also for understanding how these conceptions and enactments form in tandem with modes of ordering and governing lives. The two-week course explores conceptual innovations that draw these co-productive processes into view, as well as the histories and philosophies that deepen our understandings of not just genomics, but also our ever elusive efforts to make sense of life.
The main Lecturers:
Robert Cook-Deegan
is a professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, and a researcher in ASU’s Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.
Paul E. Griffiths
is a philosopher of science with a focus on genetics and development. He is Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney and a Domain Leader at the Charles Perkins Centre.
Jennifer Reardon
is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Science and Justice Research Center at University of California, Santa Cruz. She is also a Visiting Professor in the Department of Global Heath and Social Medicine at King’s College in London.
Cost of the program: EUR 880,-
Lodging in student dormitories is available at approximately EUR 400-450 for the whole duration of the course.
Applicants should submit:
A short educational curriculum vitae.
A list of most recent courses and grades or a copy of your diplomas.
A one-page statement (in English), briefly outlining your previous work
and your reason for attending the USS-SWC.
A (sealed) letter of recommendation from your professor, including some
comment on your previous work. This letter may also be sent directly by
your professor.
A passport photo.
Please make sure that all documents arrive in time because we can process only complete applications.
Please send the application form, available on our web site , in advance.
To participate mastering English on a high level is required. For non English native speakers with certificate.
Application deadline: January 31, 2017 (Later applications may be considered if space is still available.)
A letter of admission together with a detailed syllabus will reach successful applicants by mid-February, 2017.
The administration of USS-SWC at the University of Vienna can assist the candidates admitted applying for funds, and in the accreditation of
the course, but unfortunately, cannot offer financial assistance. However, for a few gifted applicants who can demonstrate that, despite serious documented support, in particular due to economic difficulties in their own country, a tuition waiver grant, awarded by the Institute Vienna Circle and the
University of Vienna, will be provided.
or via regular mail to
Professor Friedrich Stadler, Institute Vienna Circle
University Campus, Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1, Eingang 1.13
A-1090 Vienna, Austria
For further inquiries, please send email to:
or consult the IVC's Web site:
Robert Kaller