Saturday, 26 November 2016

Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences.

2016 Sep 27. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13516. [Epub ahead of print]

Wijedasa LS, Jauhiainen J, Könönen M, Lampela M, Vasander H, LeBlanc MC, Evers S, Smith TE, Yule CM, Varkkey H, Lupascu M, Parish F, Singleton I, Clements GR, Aziz SA, Harrison ME, Cheyne S, Anshari GZ, Meijaard E, Goldstein JE, Waldron S, Hergoualc'h K, Dommain R, Frolking S, Evans CD, Posa MR, Glaser PH, Suryadiputra N, Lubis R, Santika T, Padfield R, Kurnianto S, Hadisiswoyo P, Lim TW, Page SE, Gauci V, van der Meer PJ, Buckland H, Garnier F, Samuel MK, Choo LN, O'Reilly P, Warren M, Suksuwan S, Sumarga E, Jain A, Laurance WF, Couwenberg J, Joosten H, Vernimmen R, Hooijer A, Malins C, Cochrane MA, Perumal B, Siegert F, Peh KS, Comeau LP, Verchot L, Harvey CF, Cobb A, Jaafar Z, Wösten H, Manuri S, Müller M, Giesen W, Phelps J, Yong DL, Silvius M, Wedeux BM, Hoyt A, Osaki M, Takashi H, Takahashi H, Kohyama TS, Haraguchi A, Nugroho NP, Coomes DA, Quoi LP, Dohong A, Gunawan H, Gaveau DL, Langner A, Lim FK, Edwards DP, Giam X, van der Werf G, Carmenta R, Verwer CC, Gibson L, Grandois L, Graham LL, Regalino J, Wich SA, Rieley J, Kettridge N, Brown C, Pirard R, Moore S, Ripoll Capilla B, Ballhorn U, Ho HC, Hoscilo A, Lohberger S, Evans TA, Yulianti N, Blackham G, Onrizal, Husson S, Murdiyarso D, Pangala S, Cole LE, Tacconi L, Segah H, Tonoto P, Lee JS, Schmilewski G, Wulffraat S, Putra EI, Cattau ME, Clymo RS, Morrison R, Mujahid A, Miettinen J, Liew SC, Valpola S, Wilson D, D'Arcy L, Gerding M, Sundari S, Thornton SA, Kalisz B, Chapman SJ, Su AS, Basuki I, Itoh M, Traeholt C, Sloan S, Sayok AK, Andersen R.


The first International Peat Congress (IPC) held in the tropics - in Kuching (Malaysia) - brought together over 1000 international peatland scientists and industrial partners from across the world ("International Peat Congress with over 1000 participants!," 2016). The congress covered all aspects of peatland ecosystems and their management, with a strong focus on the environmental, societal and economic challenges associated with contemporary large-scale agricultural conversion of tropical peat. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


Acacia; Agriculture; Emissions; Subsidence; Sustainability; Tropical peatlands; oil palm