Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Critical theory becomes a text to read

Critical Theory Reading Group
Date: Thursday, Jan 5th
Time: 4:30pm - 8:00pm 
Location: Dr. Simon KY Lee Global Lounge & Resource Centre - Media Room 
Building 1 – Marine Drive Residence 2205 Lower Mall | Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z4

Critical Theory seeks to provide a descriptive and normative basis for changing the world. By seeking to understand human experience and the unseen forces order and shape it, Critical Theory enables us to take more effective and nuanced action to change oppressive systems.

Hi all, here is information for a new reading group beginning in the new year. Open to all folks at UBC and beyond!


The Critical Theory Reading Group is looking for a small group of committed scholars with a theoretical background interested in meeting to discuss crucial texts and their influence on the world around us and will be meeting once a month through the upcoming term. The group is organized by the Dialogue in Action Society, in association with the RAGA Student network.

This Group is ideal for:

-Scholars who have a familiarity with theory from their respective discipline and are interested in gaining a critical edge on their work.
-Students with an interest in Critical Theory, who are looking for a group of committed peers to further their study.
-Individuals who have a text they’ve been meaning to read, and are looking for an environment of interested peers to discuss it with.

Everyone is invited to our first meeting, in which we’ll meet the group, and discuss the reading list for the upcoming month. In our second meeting, we will begin by reading recent and essential texts from Indigenous Scholars Dian Million ("Therapeutic Nations”) Glen Coulthard (“Red Skin, White Masks”). 

Space is limited. If you are interested in participating in the discussion, please contact Zakir Suleman at to reserve a spot.