Thursday, 19 January 2017

Hypatia call for editors / Diversity Prize

Call for Nominations for Editors
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy is seeking an editor or an editorial team to serve a term of five years, beginning July 1, 2018. The journal issues a call for nominations for editor(s) every five years in order to consider new proposals and directions for the journal, and to give others a chance to be involved.  All proposals will be judged on their merits. We encourage self-nominations as well as nominations of others. Self-nominations and nominations of others are due no later than March 1, 2017.
Hypatia is the preeminent journal for feminist philosophy; it has a wide international readership and a robust institutional subscription base.  It serves as an important resource not only for philosophers, but for all those interested in philosophical issues raised by feminism, including interdisciplinary women’s and gender studies scholars. The journal publishes work covering a wide range of philosophical traditions and topics, and therefore we encourage nominations (including self-nominations) of editors who have diverse interests and expertise in sub-areas and methodologies of Philosophy and Feminist Studies.
Candidates should have a record of publication in feminist philosophy, and some previous editorial experience is desirable. Hypatia is committed to the inclusion of the scholarship of feminists of color, trans feminists, transnational feminists, queer feminists, and disabled feminists.  Individuals constituting an editorial team need not be members of the same institution.  Candidates (or at least one member of an editorial team) should be at an institution with graduate students in Philosophy or Gender/Women’s Studies who can serve as managing editors and editorial assistants.  Candidates who prefer to co-edit and/or construct an editorial team should indicate how they would share the work of the journal.  Candidates should also indicate what kinds of institutional support they expect to receive. 
If you are nominating yourselves, please send CVs for each member of the editorial team. Also, please include a statement of interest that indicates how the work of editing the journal will be shared and where the journal will be housed, as well as brief statements regarding your previous relevant experience and the directions in which you would like to take Hypatia. If you are nominating others, please send a letter briefly stating your reasons for nominating them, as well as their institutional/postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. We will contact them and request that they provide the same materials as self-nominators should they wish to be considered.
Timeframe for the search process: After reviewing the nominations, the search committee will invite a subset of nominated editors or editorial teams to submit initial applications, which will then be due by May 1, 2017. These initial applications will be reviewed and a subset of applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal. The full proposals must be sent by October 1, 2017.
Instructions for preparation of proposals will be posted on the Hypatia website.
Nominations should be sent to:
Kim Q. Hall, Please write “Nomination for Hypatia Editorial Team” in the subject line of the email. If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact Kim Q. Hall.
Editorial Search Committee:  Kim Q. Hall, Ann Cahill, Karen Jones, and George Yancy


February 1, 2017 submission deadline
We invite submissions for the 2017 Hypatia Diversity Essay Prize. This prize is awarded biennially for the best essay, previously unpublished, written by a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or non-tenured faculty member that embodies a feminist, intersectional approach in a philosophical analysis combining categories of identity (e.g., gender, class, disability, ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, sexuality). In addition to being published as the winning Diversity Essay in Hypatia, the winning author(s) will receive $500.  Essays of high quality, but not titled with the award, will also be considered for publication.
The Diversity Essay Prize committee warmly encourages essay submissions! Please submit essays at the Hypatia Manuscript Central Submission Site. When you submit your essay, make sure to select "Diversity Essay Prize" in the drop-down menu, and also note in the cover letter that the submission is for the diversity essay prize.  Diversity Prize committee includes: Kyoo Lee, Lewis Gordon, and Amy Oliver
If you have any question you may contact the Editorial Offices at