Tuesday, 31 January 2017

On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, Dr. Michael Byers will be speaking at St. John's Church lounge

In view of the widespread interest in and concern about the actions of Donald Trump, Professor Byes has kindly agreed to speak on Mr. Trump's view of the US role in the world and its implications for Canada.

Prof. Byers will still inform of us of the Russian rocket stages landing in our waters, but the emphasis of his talk will be on Mr. Trump and the implications of his views for Canada and the world.

We look forward to a robust discussion.

The talk will be at
1:30pm on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017
at St. John's Church lounge, behind the church at Quadra and Balmoral Sts.
Please enter through the door in the garden on the North side of the Church

On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, Dr. Michael Byers will be speaking at St. John's Church lounge on

Toxic Splash: Russian rocket stages landing in Canada's Arctic waters

Lat May, Dr, Byers wrote an Op-Ed for the National Post on this topic. He began:

A Soviet-era SS-19 intercontinental ballistic missile is set to crash in Canada�s Arctic, with some highly toxic fuel on board.
The missile, modified to boost a satellite into orbit, will be launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia in early June. Minutes later, the first stage of the missile will plummet into the Barents Sea north of Norway. Shortly thereafter, the second stage of the missile will fall into Baffin Bay, just east of Canada�s Ellesmere Island.
That second stage could have hundreds of litres of leftover fuel on board. Rockets used for satellite launches rarely consume all their fuel because they are shut down by onboard computers once the desired speed and altitude are achieved.
The fuel used to power SS-19s is unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (hydrazine). A stable compound used to fuel missiles and power the thrusters used for manoeuvring satellites in space, hydrazine is so toxic that technicians wear pressurized hazmat suits when working with it. On contact with air, hydrazine degrades into another, even more toxic compound: nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).

You can read the full article at