Monday, 13 February 2017

CFP: Food Sovereignty: Core Concepts and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

We invite abstract submissions for a new interdisciplinary edited volume on food sovereignty

Food sovereignty is a vibrant and growing social movement for the rights of local peoples to control their food systems and to resist harms associated with agricultural globalization. Indeed, the world’s largest social movement – La Vía Campesina – brings together two hundred million farmers, fishers, indigenous persons, and landless workers to fight for food sovereignty. This volume aims to identify the core components of food sovereignty, as understood by the diverse groups who have embraced that ideal. In particular, it explores the various purposes to which this institutional account of food justice has been put, and it identifies relationships between food sovereignty and other commitments, including indigenous rights, gender justice, cultural rights, locavorism, free markets, consumerism, and environmental justice. This volume also addresses skeptical worries about the functional plausibility of food sovereignty and its potential for cooptation and dilution by reactionary forces. 

We seek contributions from scholars working in a wide array of disciplines, including philosophy, sociology, geography, anthropology, women and gender studies, political science, and indigenous studies. This sort of diversity is indicative of the interdisciplinary significance of food sovereignty.

If you are interested in publishing in this volume, please submit a 500-word abstract to Jill Dieterle ( by July 1, 2017. Full papers will be due by June 1, 2018

Jill Dieterle, Eastern Michigan University
Mark Navin, Oakland University
Mark Navin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Philosophy Department

Oakland University
746 Mathematics and Science Center
Rochester, MI 48309-4401