Tuesday, 21 February 2017

UBC - The Politics of Race, Diversity and Settler Colonialism

Thursday, March 16, 2017
8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Jack Poole Hall (North), UBC Alumni Centre

Reception to follow
Dear Colleagues;
The corporatization and internationalization of Canadian universities continues to be the subject of considerable debate, yet an ominous silence prevails in the academy about the growing racial divides that are the result of neo-liberal forms of knowledge production and governance practices. This conference addresses the relation of race, racialization and settler colonialism to the restructuring of the university by focusing on the representation, status and experience of racial minority and Indigenous faculty and Instructors.
The conference is being sponsored by the Faculty Association and will be co-convened by Dr. Sunera Thobani (Asian Studies/Social Justice Institute) and Prof. Margot Young (Law; Chair, UBCFA Status of Women Committee). There is no registration fee.
Speakers include:
Dr. Malinda Smith (University of Alberta); Dr. Ena Dua (York University), Dr. Jin Haritaworn (York University); Dr. Annie Ross (Simon Fraser University); Dr. Sarika Bose (UBC); Dr. Shelley Johnson, Mukwa Musayett (Thompson Rivers University); Dr. Delia Douglas (UBC); Dr. Adelle Blackett (McGill University); Zool Suleman (RAGA Graduate Network, UBC); Cicely-Belle Bain (Black Lives Matter).
For more details, including a list of issues to be discussed, please visit the UBCFA Website at: www.facultyassociation.ubc.ca/conference-announcement/
REGISTER BY EMAIL: Please email your registration request to the UBC Faculty Association at faculty.association@ubc.ca. There is no registration fee. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 8, 4:30 p.m.