Thursday, 23 March 2017

Call for papers: “Nonhuman Animals in Society: Exploring new pathways for resistance, change and accommodation”

Call for Papers: European Conference for Critical Animal Studies

5th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies
International conference at Lund University, the Pufendorf Institute
Hosted by the European Association for Critical Animal Studies
The 26th to 28th of October 2017
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28th April 2017
Keynote Speakers:
• Zipporah Weisberg, independent scholar
• Volker Sommer, professor of Evolutionary Anthropology.
Historically, nonhuman animals have been placed outside the realm of society and the social. Often relegated to being part of ‘nature,’ nonhuman animals are often represented as the passive and subordinate counterpart of ‘culture’. These social constructions and representation of other animals have contributed to the sustainment of human supremacy and dominance, which until this day permeate the conditions of nonhuman animals in society. Over the past decades, a growing body of literature, cultural texts and scholarly work has dealt critically with the devaluation and misrepresentation of other animals. Influenced by “the animal turn” in the humanities and social sciences, this scholarship has examined both the presence and absence, the visibility and invisibility of nonhuman animals in society. By means of highlighting the social nature of these representations, work has been done to render nonhuman animal resistance, and change more visible. Additionally, with recent developments within scientific disciplines such as ethology, a new focus of research, one that highlights the individuality and agency of nonhuman animals has emerged. This contributes to an altered view on nonhuman animals, whether they are living within or in the periphery of human societies.
The aim of this conference is to bring to focus how scholarly work can contribute to the disruption and replacement of violent and exploitative practices, while also providing a platform for exploring the variety of ways that more just inter-species relations might be established. Special attention will be given to how scholarships and transdisciplinary work can engage with these problems as they exist in media, politics, popular culture and other aspects of everyday life.
On October 26th to 28th 2017, the 5th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies will be hosted by the European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS). The conference invites scholars and activists from all disciplines dealing with the three broad and intersecting themes, society, media and culture, and how they are assessed in Critical Animal Studies.
The conference welcomes proposals from a variety of scholars and disciplines, including radical academics, independent researchers, students and community activists. Papers may focus on any aspect of the three stands, including but not limited to the following themes:
• Nonhuman animals and media
• Nonhuman animals and culture
• Culture – nature-dualism and its criticism
• Nonhuman animals and social theory
• Nonhuman animals and critical theory
• Social Justice and nonhuman animals
• Ethology and societal perception of animals
• Normative aspects of animals in media and culture
• The political principles of animal liberation
• The construction of just interspecies institutions.
• The politics and political theory of interspecies co-existence at farm sanctuaries
• Histories and genealogies of multispecies politics and communities
• Nonhuman animals and agency
• Nonhuman animals and social classes
• Nonhuman animals and colonialism
• Animal liberation and anarchism
• Animal liberation as a social movement
• Nonhuman animals and feminism
• Nonhuman animals and ableism
• Nonhuman animals and critical race studies
The conference encourages the emancipatory approach of scholar activists in the field of critical animal studies.
Please note that there will be a 40€ registration fee for the conference. Registration for students, unemployed people or individuals with a low income will be 20€.
Prospective speakers are invited to submit abstracts of 500 words, and a brief biography including name, affiliation and contact details to: Tobias Linné: or Jana Daron Canavan:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28th April 2017
Decisions on abstracts: 22nd May 2017
For more information about the conference, or to submit an abstract, please email the organising committee: