‘Medical methodology’ is an interdisciplinary area that investigates how clinical evidence is critically appraised and applied to various different medical cases. EBM+ has formed a wider network of organisations and individuals focused on this field who are attempting to articulate precisely how current research and clinical methods/guidelines are suboptimal, and how these can be lastingly improved.
We would like to invite you to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship to be hosted in one of the partner institutions of the EBM+ consortium.
Host institutions available:
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Kent
- University College London
EBM+ is a consortium of philosophers, sociologists and public health experts who are working to improve the ways in which evidence-based medicine handles evidence of mechanisms in addition to evidence of associations. For more information, visit http://ebmplus.org
We are looking for an interested candidate who:
- holds a PhD in a relevant field or has four years of full-time research experience by 14th September (deadline for submission of the formal application)
- relevant fields are: philosophy of science (especially biomedical or policy sciences), a related scientific discipline (e.g. medicine, epidemiology, medical sociology, etc.), science/medical ethics with a particular interest in the methodological frameworks underpinning both clinical research and subsequent health policy formulation.
- lives outside the country of the host institution or have not lived there for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline (14th September)
- would like to spend one or two years doing full-time research within the EBM+ consortium
What you need to do?
Please send your CV, list of publications and an outline of your research project, including a problem statement, research question and an indication of your methodology to Charlie Norell, the Impact and Public Engagement Coordinator for EBM+ (charles.norell.12@ucl.ac.uk ).
What can you expect?
During the application process, you will be supported in further developing your project into a competitive MSCA application by a member of the EBM+ consortium and the research office of the prospective host institution.
If your application is successful the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action will provide an allowance to cover your living, travel and family costs and contributes to the overhead of the host organization. For further details on how to apply, see the Marie Skłodowska-Curie website here.
This fellowship will enable you to:
- pursue your research project with the close support of your EBM+ academic sponsor
- become part of the EBM+ consortium – an innovative, medical-related
think-tank. - be employed at the host institution as a full-time employee, including all benefits associated with employment (details depend on the chosen host institution.
Further queries may be directed to Charlie Norell (charles.norell.12@ucl.ac.uk).
Federica Russo | http://russofederica.wordpress.com | https://uva.academia.edu/FedericaRusso | @federicarusso
Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
Interested in my research?
Causality: Philosophical Theory Meets Scientific Practice (co-authored with Phyllis Illari)
Available through all good bookshops, or direct from Oxford University Press
Recent Articles:
Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
Interested in my research?
Causality: Philosophical Theory Meets Scientific Practice (co-authored with Phyllis Illari)
Available through all good bookshops, or direct from Oxford University Press
Recent Articles:
Opportunities and challenges of Molecular Epidemiology, in Philosophy of Molecular Medicine (Boniolo and Nathan, eds), with P. Vineis
On the poietic character of technology, Humana.Mente
EBM+ consortium: ebmplus.org
CitS CONFERENCE SERIES: http://blogs.kent.ac.uk/jonw/conferences/cits/