Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Image of book cover for Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 -
12:30pm to 2:00pm
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG
L5, Mathematical Institute
Transatlantic slavery, just like the abolition movements, affected every space and community in Britain, from Cornwall to the Clyde, from dockyard alehouses to country estates. Today, its financial, architectural and societal legacies remain, scattered across the country in museums and memorials, philanthropic institutions and civic buildings, empty spaces and unmarked graves. Just as they did in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, British people continue to make sense of this ‘national sin’ by looking close to home, drawing on local histories and myths to negotiate their relationship to the distant horrors of the ‘Middle Passage’, and the Caribbean plantation. This collection brings together localised case studies of Britain’s history and memory of its involvement in the transatlantic slave trade, and slavery. Co-editor Ryan Hanley (History, University of Oxford) joins an expert panel to discuss these essays, ranging in focus from eighteenth-century Liverpool to twenty-first-century rural Cambridgeshire, from racist ideologues to Methodist preachers, examining how transatlantic slavery impacted on, and continues to impact, people and places across Britain.
Ryan will be joined by:
Bob Harris (British History, University of Oxford)
Padraic Scanlan (International History, LSE)
This event will be chaired by Sebabatso Manoeli (African History, University of Oxford)
Free and all welcome. Lunch will be available from 12.30, with discussion from 13.00-14.00.
Please click here to book your seat.
Part of Book at Lunchtime, a fortnightly series of bite size book discussions, with commentators from a range of disciplines. 

Contact name: 
Rabyah Khan
Open to all