Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Fundraising Campaign: Darrell Posey Fellowship Program

Dear Members and Friends of the International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE), 
As you may know, the ISE’s Darrell Posey Fellowship Program has launched a six-week Indiegogo Campaign to fund the next round of Field and Student Fellows (PhD and Masters), as well as a Small Grant - and we have a brand new website to go with it!


We are calling upon you to help us support our own champions - whether community leaders, activist scholars, and/or lifelong advocates of indigenous, human or environmental rights - in their often under-recognized, unrewarded and dangerous efforts to protect the planet’s biological and cultural diversity. 
One of the strengths of this Fellowship Program is the way in which it can draw on our worldwide ISE network to search out such remarkable but often hidden people to nominate for these awards.
The Fellowship Program has existed for more than ten years, largely with generous support from the Christensen Fund. In order to keep alive the program’s unique and important work, we are trying something new: a crowdfunding campaign where people around the world support, through the sum of their small donations, the inspirational efforts of the Darrell Posey Fellows. 
How to Help
1 – Donate. We REALLY need your help. Every little bit helps, so give what you can: Visit our Indiegogo campaign and help ‘Support a Fellow
2 – Sign up for email updates during the Indiegogo campaign from the Darrell Posey Fellowship Program. 
3 – ‘Follow’ (Twitter) and ‘Like’ (Facebook) the Darrell Posey Fellowship for updates about the Indiegogo campaign.  These simple actions show your support and help to spread the message.
4 – Spread the word.  The more people we can reach, the more we can support the local people who are protecting some of the world’s most threatened places.  Forward this email, or Share through Facebook, or Re to everyone you know and encourage them to visit our Indiegogo Campaign.
Wondering who to reach out to? Here are some ideas…
  • family, friends and peers
  • professional networks and societies
  • students, faculty and staff of university departments
  • international or national research or policy networks
  • NGOs and advocates (Indigenous, human and environmental rights)
  • philanthropists and donor foundations 
  • people with a large social media network 
  • local businesses (for example, your local coffee shops – coffee comes from the areas our fellows are trying to protect)
  • larger businesses that you have connections to
Thank you so much for all your help and support.  We look forward to sharing our updates with you over the next few weeks and months.  Thank you for being involved.
--The Darrell Posey Fellowship Team