Saturday, 27 May 2017

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2017 Newcastle University

The HASS Faculty’s Gender Research Group (GRG) at Newcastle University invites expressions of interest from eligible researchers seeking to apply to the Individual Fellowships scheme of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for a European fellowship.
The Gender Research Group is an interdisciplinary research group. There are over 200 staff and student members of the group, and the work of the group is to interrogate gender politics across disciplines, across historical periods, across political and geographical boundaries, and across culture. The GRG’s members belong to the disciplines of Literature, Sociology, Politics, Law, Geography, Media, Archaeology, History, Classics, Music, Modern Languages and Architecture.
We cordially encourage and welcome applications from outstanding scholars eager to work in an interdisciplinary environment for the Individual Fellowship Scheme. Applicants must have been awarded a doctoral degree from an accredited higher education institution and must have a track record (appropriate to career stage) of peer-reviewed publication(s) in internationally recognised outlets.
We specifically welcome applications in the following key areas:
  • history of sexual and embodied identities
  • history of gender relations in texts and contexts
  • rights and inequalities
  • politics of representation
  • social justice and health
  • feminism
  • law and applied policy matters
On the date of the deadline, fellows must
(i) have at least four years’ full-time equivalent research experience, which can include doctoral studies (ii) and/or be in possession of a doctoral degree.
If the fellow is resuming research after a career break of at least one year, or is a European national or long term resident returning to Europe after a period outside Europe, a modified mobility rule applies: in these cases the researchers must not have carried out their main activity in the country of their host for more than 3 years in the 5 years immediately prior to the deadline.
Expressions of Interest
Expressions of interest should be sent to by 30 June 2017. Please submit:
  • A copy of your CV that is a maximum of six (6) pages.
  • A two (2)-page outline of the proposed project that identifies a proposed supervisor(s) specializing in gender at Newcastle. You should have made initial contact with that individual before submitting the proposal.
These should be sent as PDFs with file names indicating your surname, first name initial, and document (e.g. smithzCVCV; smithzPROPOSAL).
Selection Process
Expressions of interest will be assessed by the GRG steering committee and by colleagues with specific expertise in the project area. Only applicants that meet the eligibility criteria and our additional criteria will be considered. The most promising applicant(s) based on the relative strength of CVs and proposals in relation to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie award criteria will be provided with further guidance and support for the purposes of submitting a full Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship application with the Gender Research Group serving as the host.
Successful applicants will work within the same School as their supervisor, will be invited to present to and lead GRG seminars and workshops and enabled, if they wish, to curate a programme of events relevant to their project. Please ensure that you consult the comprehensive guidance documents on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie website before starting your application: