Monday, 26 June 2017

Canadian Studies Conference: Canada Inclusive/Exclusive: 150 Years and Beyond

Start: Jul 06, 2017 01:30 PM
End: Jul 08, 2017 12:00 PM
Location: UCL Institute of the Americas, 51 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PN
JUL 6 13:30 to JUL 8 12:00, 2017 | Dr. Christopher Kirkey (Center for the Study of Canada at SUNY Plattsburgh), Dr. Michael Hawes (Fulbright Canada) and Dr. Tony McCulloch (UCL Institute of the Americas)

UCL Institute of the Americas
The colloquium will consist of about 20 papers presented by an international group of both senior and younger scholars from 13:30 on Thursday 6 July to 12:00 on Saturday 8 July. The colloquium seeks to explore the theme of Canada and inclusivity/exclusivity in an anthropological, cultural, economic, geographic, historical, literary, political and social context. In what ways can Canada be rightly regarded as an inclusive society by the international community? What policies has Canada established and pursued over the past 150 years to foster and expand inclusivity? Have there over time been notable variations, across issues and governments, in Canada’s approach toward inclusivity and how might these be explained? In other words, how might Canada be considered not to have embraced inclusivity? Finally, how well placed is Canada to embrace inclusivity – rather than exclusivity - moving forward, given the variety of pressing global concerns, as it celebrates its sesquicentennial? 
The colloquium will be organized as a series of panels, each featuring 3 or 4 presentations on a common theme. There is no charge for attendance or refreshments, but places are limited and registration is required. If you have any query concerning the content and scope of this event, please consult the provisional programme here or contact Dr Tony McCulloch at
Selected proceedings from the colloquium will be published as a special issue of the London Journal of Canadian Studies, an on-line, open access (non-subscription) journal which has been published by UCL Press since 2014 on behalf of University College London – one of the world’s foremost universities and a global leader in open access publishing.
Dr. Christopher Kirkey, Director of the Center for the Study of Canada at SUNY Plattsburgh and Dr. Michael Hawes, Executive Director of Fulbright Canada, in partnership with Dr. Tony McCulloch, Senior Fellow in North American Studies at the UCL Institute of the Americas, are serving as the colloquium coordinators and journal editors. They wish to acknowledge the generous support of the Canada-UK Foundation and the Canadian High Commission in contributing to the organization of the event.