Wednesday, 26 July 2017

CfP- The Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy/ Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale 2nd Annual meeting

CALL FOR PAPERS: 2nd Annual Meeting Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale
Philosophical Association
October 13-15 2017 University of Regina
in conjunction with the 54th Annual Meeting of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association

Submission Information
Submissions requested on Canadian and global environmental issues in all their philosophical dimensions; including (but not limited to) aesthetic, ethical, metaphysical, ontological, phenomenological, social/political, scientific, and spiritual welcome.
Colloquium papers should be no more than 4,000 words (text), presentable in 25-30 minutes to allow for commentary and discussion, and prepared for blind review. Proposals for panels or symposia all areas of environmental philosophy are also welcome. Please submit the proposed title, abstracts of presentations, and names of all participants
Please submit by email as electronic attachments (.docx, .doc, .rtf, .txt, or .pdf), providing your name, e-mail address, academic affiliation (if any), and a brief abstract (no more than 150 words). The CSEP/SCPE and WCPA will each be awarding a Student Essay Prize, so if you are a student please indicate this in the body of your e-mail. Please send submissions here by July 31, 2017.
Additional Conference Information
Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Lackey, Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University
This conference will prioritize accessibility. Guidelines for accessible presentations will appear on the conference website closer to the date of the conference. Conference rooms are wheelchair accessible, and information about wheelchair accessible parking, transportation, and accommodations will be available by the time of participant notifications. Participants will be asked to use microphones for presentations and for discussion periods. There will be vegan/vegetarian friendly food, and there will be space on the registration form to note food allergies and sensitivities. Participants are asked not to bring or wear strong scents. A quiet room will be available. The University of Regina has spaces for smudging, which can be accessed on request.

Further information, such as information about childcare, nursing and change room areas, is available upon request.
All conference participants will be asked to identify any presentation technologies and/or other supports required to participate, and anything else that can help mitigate potential barriers to participation. All information will be kept confidential.
If you have any questions or concerns about accessibility, now or as the conference approaches, please contact conference co-organizer, Anna Mudde. ​
We appreciate that the University of Regina, Regina campus, is situated on Treaty 4 land, the traditional territory of Cree, Saulteaux, Assiniboine, and other Indigenous peoples, and the homeland of the Métis.
More information is available on the conference website.