Wednesday, 20 September 2017

AN EVENING WITH INDIGENOUS SHAMAN FLAVIO SANTI Thursday, September 21 | 7 pm Free with admission Join the event on Facebook Join us for an evening with Flavio Santi, the renowned Indigenous leader and hereditary shaman of the Ayuy Yu people of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Flavio is leading a powerful Indigenous rights movement to protect the sacred waterways of his ancestral territories. He led an international effort to buy back thousands of acres of jungle, including one of the last remaining sanctuaries for the spectacled bear, jaguar, harpy eagle, and countless plant medicines. In the face of new threats from an encroaching oil industry, Flavio is advocating an alternative model of development that empowers Indigenous wisdom-keepers to use their land for cultural education and traditional healing projects. Flavio will be joined by author and herbalist Andrea Davis, who is working on a book of Amazonian Kichwa myths and Andrea Vasquez, a Quechua-descendent Peruvian PhD student who is developing collaborative research methods with two Indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon.