Sunday, 24 September 2017

Determining Effective Sustainable Fashion Communication Strategies

Sustainability in Fashion pp 127-149 Authors Authors and affiliations Sara Li-Chou HanEmail authorClaudia E. HenningerPhoebe ApeagyeiDavid Tyler Sara Li-Chou Han 1Email author Claudia E. Henninger 2 Phoebe Apeagyei 1 David Tyler 1 1.Manchester Fashion Institute, Arts and HumanitiesManchester Metropolitan UniversityManchesterUK 2.School of MaterialsThe University of ManchesterManchesterUK Chapter First Online: 03 May 2017 90 Downloads Abstract This chapter investigates current techniques by upcycle and sustainable fashion brands to communicate features and benefits of products and their value to consumers and society. Analysis from 14 in-depth interviews featuring nine ethical fashion brands and five sustainable fashion experts (CSR professional, activist, sustainable fashion writer, and closed loop production specialists) provide comprehensive perspectives from field experts and practitioners. Key industry perspectives on communication and consumer issues on sustainability, design, and behaviour change are presented. Discussions on demands; effectiveness of techniques; and current strategies employed by brands and designers to communicate in-store and via multi-channel media are also covered in this chapter. Keywords Fashion Upcycling Sustainability Communication Circular Economy Closed-Loop Production How to cite? .RIS Papers Reference Manager RefWorks Zotero .ENW EndNote .BIB BibTeX JabRef Mendeley Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn References Black, S. (2011). Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox. Black Dog Publishing: London.Google Scholar Brown, S. (2011). Future factory: Sass Brown is coming to NTU. Future Factory [online]. Available from: [Accessed March 20, 2012]. Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods, 4th ed. Oxford University Press: Oxford.Google Scholar Busch, O. V. (2008). FASHION-able: Hacktivism and Engaged Fashion Design. 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