Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Characterization and phytochemical study of justicia secunda valh (Sanguinaria, singamochilla, Insulina)

Article in Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales 22(1) · March 2017 Patricia Zambrano Mora Katherine Elizabeth Bustamante Pesantes Abstract Introduction: Justicia secunda Vahl. leaves are widely used by rural populations from the Ecuadorian coast for medicinal purposes, but the properties attributed to it have not been verified. A study was conducted of hydroalcoholic, alcoholic and etheric leaf extracts. Objectives: Characterize the crude drug and several extracts of J. secunda to determine the presence of metabolites or active principles with medicinal potential, and analyze their possible usefulness to produce pharmaceutical products. Methods: An analysis was conducted of the physicochemical parameters of the crude drug. The leaves were collected at night and dried to constant weight in a stove at 30 °C ± 1 °C for 5 days. They were then crushed in a mortar and weighed. The extracts were obtained by maceration in various organic solvents, such as 90% ethanol, diethyl ether and a 50 % v/v hydroalcoholic solution. For phytochemical analysis, qualitative techniques were applied to determine the main metabolites present in the extracts. Gravimetric techniques were used for determination of total ashes, total solids and percentage of humidity. Results: It was found that content of total ashes and residual humidity in the crude drug are within the limits established by USP 37 for items of botanical origin. Additionally, alkaloids, coumarins and phenolic glucosides were found to be present in the hydroalcoholic extract; tannins, phenolic glucosides and triterpenes and/or steroids in the alcoholic extract; and alkaloids and triterpenes and/or steroids in the etheric extract. Conclusion: The great variety of chemical components present in the leaves of J. secunda grants them high potential for medicinal use as antiseptic, antiinflammatory and antioxidant, among others.