Monday, 20 November 2017

Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Fruit Juice of Annona Muricata L (Soursop) During Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Rats CTIVE: The study included knowledge The chemical components of the Soursop juice and determine whether Soursop prevents ischemia - reperfusion induced brain injuries in rats. METHODS: The chemical components of the prepared fruit extract were detectedits components of glycosides, proteins....etc and we were Determination of trace element and the estimation of the biochemical parameters: Blood samples were harvested from the rats,. Serum IL - 10,Adiponectin and oxidative stress levels of Malondialdehyde ( MDA) and Glutathione ( GSH )were estimated. RESULTS: T he results showed that the extract contain : glycosides, proteins, saponins, tannins, various phenolic compounds alkaloids , flavonoids, steroids and vitamine C . The results also showed that there were high concentrations of B, Fe , Zn respectively and lo w concentrations of Mn, Cu, pb,Cd respectively ,very low concentrations Ni ,Co , Se . The levels of oxidative enzymes and Inflammatory cytokines in group 3 were significantly lower than those in the group 2.Our results suggest that soursop treatment prot ects the rat brain against ischemia - reperfusion induced brain injuries. CONCLUSION: The present study confirm that the fruit extracts of Soursop (Annona Muricata L.) posses in vivo anti - inflammatory and antioxidant activity because of its content (gl ycosides , tannins , saponins ,proteins ,various phenolic compounds ,alkaloids , flavonoids, steroids and vitamine C ) KEY WORDS : AML , IL - 10 , Adiponectin, MDA ,GSH, soursop, ischemia/reperfusion (21) Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Fruit Juice of Annona Muricata L (Soursop) During Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Available from: [accessed Nov 20 2017].