Friday, 3 November 2017

Randomised clinical trial: yoga vs a low-FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

RANDOMISED CLINICAL TRIAL Authors D. Schumann, J. Langhorst, G. Dobos, H. Cramer First published: 27 October 2017Full publication history DOI: 10.1111/apt.14400 View/save citation Cited by (CrossRef): 0 articles Check for updates Citation tools Article has an altmetric score of 62 The Handling Editor for this article was Professor Peter Gibson, and it was accepted for publication after full peer-review. Summary Background Irritable bowel syndrome is the most frequent gastrointestinal disorder. It is assumed that lifestyle interventions might be a rational treatment approach. Aim To examine the effect of a yoga-based intervention vs a low-FODMAP diet on patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Methods Fifty-nine patients with irritable bowel syndrome undertook a single-blind, randomised controlled trial involving yoga or a low-FODMAP diet for 12 weeks. Patients in the yoga group received two sessions weekly, while patients in the low-FODMAP group received a total of three sessions of nutritional counselling. The primary outcome was a change in gastrointestinal symptoms (IBS-SSS). Secondary outcomes explored changes in quality of life (IBS-QOL), health (SF-36), perceived stress (CPSS, PSQ), body awareness (BAQ), body responsiveness (BRS) and safety of the interventions. Outcomes were examined in weeks 12 and 24 by assessors “blinded” to patients’ group allocation. Results No statistically significant difference was found between the intervention groups, with regard to IBS-SSS score, at either 12 (Δ = 31.80; 95%CI = −11.90, 75.50; P = .151) or 24 weeks (Δ = 33.41; 95%CI = −4.21, 71.04; P = .081). Within-group comparisons showed statistically significant effects for yoga and low-FODMAP diet at both 12 and 24 weeks (all P < .001). Comparable within-group effects occurred for the other outcomes. One patient in each intervention group experienced serious adverse events (P = 1.00) and another, also in each group, experienced nonserious adverse events (P = 1.00). Conclusions Patients with irritable bowel syndrome might benefit from yoga and a low-FODMAP diet, as both groups showed a reduction in gastrointestinal symptoms. More research on the underlying mechanisms of both interventions is warranted, as well as exploration of potential benefits from their combined use.