Thursday, 18 January 2018

Call for Abstracts by 2/15: 35th Social Philosophy Conference

Thirty-Fifth International Social Philosophy Conference Sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy with the Department of Philosophy, Oakland University, Rochester, MI July 19-21, 2018 Proposals in all areas of social philosophy are welcome, but special attention will be devoted to: Health, Well-being, and Society We welcome submissions from both members and non-members, but we require that all presenters join the North American Society for Social Philosophy if their papers are accepted and if they present at the conference. Submission Deadline: February 15, 2018. Please submit a 300 word abstract at our website: Questions? Email: contact [at] northamericansocietyforsocialphilosophy [dot] org. The Program Committee: Kathryn Norlock, Trent University (chair) Geoff Karabin, Neumann University Jennifer Szende, Trent University Local host: Mark Navin, Oakland University, Rochester, MI. Members of the Program Committee may be reached at: NASSP Support for International Presenters The NASSP will waive fees for conference registration and for the banquet for those participants traveling from outside of the United States and Canada. NASSP Conference Awards for Graduate Students: The North American Society for Social Philosophy has established the NASSP Awards for Best Graduate Student Papers to promote new scholarship in social philosophy and to encourage student participation in our Conference. The winners of the annual prizes each receive $300. The prizes are awarded only to conference attendees, though there is no obligation to use the money for conference-related costs. Any graduate student enrolled in a program towards a degree beyond the B.A. or first university diploma is eligible. The paper may address any topic in social philosophy. Papers should be no more than 3,000 words (include a word count with submission), and they should conform to the requirements set out by the APA for colloquium submissions to annual Divisional meetings. Those who want to be considered for this award should send their full papers on or before February 15 to – and they should also submit abstracts to the site by February 15, 2018. Keynote speakers for 2018 NASSP is pleased to announce that S. Matthew Liao and Serene Khader will deliver the keynote addresses for the 2018 International Social Philosophy Conference in July. Stay tuned for more information. Some possible paper topics include: · Public goods and citizen well-being · Civil obligation and social welfare · Holding elected officials accountable · Duties of Citizenship · The ethics of healthy living · Violence, society, and well-being · Education and societal flourishing · Inclusion versus marginalization · Health and marginalized communities · Free-markets and the common good · Defining health · Public institutions and well-being · The status of community in an age of political division · Entertainment, sport, and well-being. · Religious belief as a source of societal flourishing or disruption · The macro and micro dimensions of societal flourishing · Public Health and the Public Good · Food, Water, and Human Rights · Resource allocation · Immunization and social responsibility · Global health justice · Ableism and Public Health · Disability, accommodation, and the basic structure · Health, well-being and urban justice · Distributive Justice and Public Health · The social dimensions of well-being · Healthism · Bias in Health · Defining well-being · Health and Capabilities · Capabilities Well-being · Biopolitics and Biopower · Harm Reduction and Philosophy