Thursday, 18 January 2018

Ecological data in support of an analysis of Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora

Data in Brief Volume 7, June 2016, Pages 1078-1097 open access Data Article Author links open overlay panelLuísCatarinoaPhilip J.HavikbBucarIndjaicMaria M.Romeirasad a University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), Lisbon, Portugal b Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Centre for Global Health and Tropical Medicine (GHTM), Lisbon, Portugal c Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa, Centro de Estudos Ambientais e Tecnologia Apropriada (INEP/CEATA), Bissau, Guinea-Bissau d University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI), Lisbon, Portugal Received 25 February 2016, Revised 18 March 2016, Accepted 22 March 2016, Available online 30 March 2016. crossmark-logo Show less rights and content Under a Creative Commons license Refers to Luís Catarino, Philip J. Havik, Maria M. Romeiras Medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau: Therapeutic applications, ethnic diversity and knowledge transfer Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 183, 13 May 2016, Pages 71-94 PDF (912KB) Abstract This dataset presents an annotated list of medicinal plants used by local communities in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa), in a total of 218 species. Data was gathered by means of herbarium and bibliographic research, as well as fieldwork. Biological and ecological information is provided for each species, including in-country distribution, geographical range, growth form and main vegetation types. The dataset was used to prepare a paper on the medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau “Medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau: therapeutic applications, ethnic diversity and knowledge transfer” (Catarino et al., 2016) [1]. The table and figures provide a unique database for Guinea-Bissau in support of ethno-medical and ethno-pharmacological research, and their ecological dimensions. Previous article in issueNext article in issue Keywords West AfricaEthnobotanical dataUseful plantsGeographical distributionVegetation types Specifications Table Subject area Biology More specific subject area Ethnobotany Type of data Table, Figures, Images How data was acquired Fieldwork, herbarium data, bibliographic research Data format Filtered and organised Experimental factors Field, herbarium and bibliographic data was filtered and classified. Experimental features Ethnobotanical and ecological data were collected during fieldwork carried out in different regions of Guinea-Bissau. Also, semi-structured interviews, observations and guided field surveys were conducted with local healers. Data source location Latitude and longitude of Guinea-Bissau is 10°59′–12°20′N and 13°40′–16°43′W. Data accessibility Data are included in this article Value of the data • This dataset is the first comprehensive record of Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora totalling 218 plant species. • It includes information on the growth form, vegetation types, in-country distribution, distribution range, plant parts used, and other uses of species besides medicinal. • Species were recorded for remote and hitherto under-researched areas. • This dataset can be used as primary source guide for the biological and ecological contexts of ethno-medical research in Guinea-Bissau and West Africa. 1. Data The comprehensive list of plant species used in traditional medicine in Guinea-Bissau is presented in Table 1, focuses on biological and ecological aspects of the original dataset. It identifies medicinal and non-medicinal uses of recorded species, as well as the plant parts used, growth form, main vegetation types and geographical distribution. The dataset was specially prepared for a recent study (see [1]), based upon information gathered during fieldwork performed in the country, from 1990s to the present, by the authors, complemented with data from herbarium vouchers (LISC Herbarium, University of Lisbon) as well as from published sources. Samples were collected in various geo-morphological areas covering a wide range of vegetation types in Guinea Bissau, inhabited by more than thirty ethnic groups. Table 1. Ecological data related with the Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora, with references to other uses of species. Species Family Growth form Habitat types Distribution Guinea-Bissau Distribution range Plant parts used in traditional medicine Other uses of medicinal plants Herbarium voucher Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Malvaceae Herb Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to Asia Seeds Food Moreira 284 Abrus precatorius L. subsp. africanus Verdc. Fabaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, Bijagós Pantropical Aerial parts of plant Indjai 17 Acacia macrostachya Rchb. ex DC. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian Region Roots Catarino 1269 Acridocarpus plagiopterus Guill. & Perr. Malpighiaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Phytochemical Diniz & Gonçalves 1861 Acridocarpus smeathmannii (DC.) Guill. & Perr. Malpighiaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves Diniz & Gonçalves 1863 Adansonia digitata L. Malvaceae Tree Savanna Woodland, Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Food Sané 74 Adenia lobata (Jacq.) Engl. Passifloraceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots, Sap Catarino 1664 Afraegle paniculata (Schumach. & Thonn.) Engl. Rutaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Diniz & Gonçalves 1880 Aframomum alboviolaceum (Ridl.) K.Schum. Zingiberaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland South Afrotropical Roots Food Catarino 1385 Aframomum rostratum K.Schum. Zingiberaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South Guinean Sub-Region Roots Food Martins et al. 622 Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Bark Timber, Handicrafts Catarino 495 Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. Connaraceae Shrub Forest, Gallery Forest South Afrotropical Leaves Catarino 1684 Albizia adianthifolia (Schum.) W.Wight Fabaceae Tree Forest, Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Catarino 1562 Alchornea cordifolia (Schumach. & Thonn.) Müll.Arg. Euphorbiaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Plam Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Stem, Seeds Phytochemical Catarino 1549 Allophylus africanus P.Beauv. Sapindaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Indjai 26 Alstonia boonei De Wild. Apocynaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Sap Timber, Handicrafts Catarino 738 Alstonia congensis Engl. Apocynaceae Tree Forest, Gallery Forest South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Bark, Roots Timber, Handicrafts Catarino 1513A Ampelocissus multistriata (Baker) Planch. Vitaceae Climber Savanna Woodland North, South, Bijagós Sudanian/Zambezian Regions Leaves Martins & Moreira 998 Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Leaves, Bark Food, Beverages Catarino 1922 Anisophyllea laurina R.Br. ex Sabine Anisophylleaceae Tree Forest South, Bijagós Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Food Catarino 1698 Annona glabra L. Annonaceae Shrub Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Roots Food Moreira 38 Annona muricata L. Annonaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Leaves Food Diniz et al. 2595 Annona senegalensis Pers. Annonaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Leaves, Flowers Food Catarino 1352 Antherotoma senegambiensis (Guill. & Perr.) Jacq.-Fél. Melastomataceae Herb Woodland, Palm Grove, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East Forest Roots Martins & Catarino 1258 Anthocleista djalonensis A.Chev. Gentianaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Bark Catarino 1717 Anthocleista nobilis G.Don Gentianaceae Tree Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Sap, Bark Diniz et al. 1014 Anthostema senegalense A.Juss. Euphorbiaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Plam Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Sap, Leaves Phytochemical Catarino 1553 Argemone mexicana L. Papaveraceae Herb Ruderal North, South, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Leaves Raimundo & Guerra 913 Artabotrys velutinus Scott-Elliot Annonaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Catarino 1085 Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson Acanthaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Flowers, Stem Diniz et al. 2337 Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Meliaceae Tree Cultivated North Introduced, Native To India Leaves Bancessi 17 Bauhinia thonningii Schum. (Syn. Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach. & Thonn.) Milne-Readh.) Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Bark Handicrafts Indjai 21 Blighia sapida K.D.Koenig Sapindaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1946 Blighia unijugata Baker Sapindaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Gallery Forest South Afrotropical Leaves Food, Handicrafts Diniz & Gonçalves 1845 Blutaparon vermiculare (L.) Mears Amaranthaceae Herb Mangrove, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Amphi-Atlantic Whole plant Catarino 650 Borassus aethiopum Mart. Arecaceae Palm Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Seeds, Roots Food, Timber, Handicrafts Pereira 1058 Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. Phyllanthaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Leaves Food, Phytochemical Indjai 20 Caesalpinia benthamiana (Baill.) Herend. & Zarucchi (Syn. Mezoneuron benthamianum Baill.) Fabaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Sap, Roots, Leaves Catarino 1526 Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand. Apocynaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, South, East Paleotropical Roots Diniz et al. 658 Calycobolus heudelotii (Baker ex Oliv.) Heine Convolvulaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East Guineo-Congolian Region Stem, Leaves Catarino 1713 Calyptrochilum christyanum (Rchb. f.) Summerh. Orchidaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Whole plant Indjai 35 Capparis erythrocarpos Isert Capparaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Indjai 12 Capsicum annuum L. (Syn. C. frutescens L.) Solanaceae Herb Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Aerial parts of plant Food Moreira 62 Carapa procera DC. Meliaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Seeds Catarino 1566 Carica papaya L. Caricaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Leaves, Roots Food, Phytochemical Moreira 22 Cassia sieberiana DC. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Rz, Fo Catarino 818 Cassytha filiformis L. Lauraceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Pantropical Whole plant Indjai 10 Cayratia gracilis (Guill. & Perr.) Suess. Vitaceae Herb Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Sap Phytochemical Vidigal et al. 151 Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Malvaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, Bijagós Pantropical Bark Timber Catarino 1710 Celosia argentea L. Amaranthaceae Herb Ruderal South, East Afrotropical Branches Food Vidigal et al. 47 Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby Fabaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Whole plant Diniz & Pinto-Basto 2404 Chamaecrista nigricans (Vahl) Greene Fabaceae Herb Savanna Woodland North, East Paleotropical Whole plant Phytochemical Catarino 1215 Chrozophora senegalensis (Lam.) A.Juss. ex Spreng. Euphorbiaceae Herb Savanna Woodland North Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Whole plant, Fruits Catarino 928 Cissampelos mucronata A.Rich. Menispermaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Leaves, Stem Indjai 11 Cissus aralioides (Welw. ex Baker) Planch. Vitaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Catarino 1413 Cissus rufescens Guill. & Perr. Vitaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Leaves Catarino 514 Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck Rutaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to Asia Roots, Leaves Food Moreira 67 Clerodendrum splendens G.Don Lamiaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Catarino 1483 Clerodendrum umbellatum Poir. Lamiaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland South Guineo-Congolian/Sudano-Zambezian Regions Roots, Leaves Diniz et al. 2572 Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex DC. Connaraceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots, Leaves, Fruits, Branches Phytochemical Indjai 24 Cochlospermum tinctorium Perrier ex A.Rich. Bixaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Roots Phytochemical Catarino 1180 Cola cordifolia (Cav.) R.Br. Malvaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Galery Forest North, South, East Sudanian Region Seeds, Stem Food, Handicrafts Catarino 1431 Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott & Endl. Malvaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Guinean Sub-Region Seeds Food Moreira 72 Combretum adenogonium Steud. ex A.Rich. Combretaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Afrotropical Bark Catarino 1737 Combretum collinum Fresen. Combretaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Afrotropical Roots Catarino 1453 Combretum lecardii Engl. & Diels Combretaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, East Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Catarino 582 Combretum micranthum G.Don Combretaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Roots, Leaves Beverages Indjai 08 Combretum nigricans Lepr. ex Guill. & Perr. Combretaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Leaves Catarino 1508 Conocarpus erectus L. Combretaceae Shrub Mangrove North, South, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Leaves Catarino 326 Cordyla pinnata (Lepr. ex A.Rich.) Milne-Redh. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian Region Bark Food Catarino 1741 Craterispermum laurinum (Poir.) Benth. Rubiaceae Shrub Forest, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South Afrotropical Bark Catarino 1719 Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G.Don) Benth. Rubiaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Afrotropical Leaves Catarino 1725 Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.) Schltr. Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Diniz et al. 995 Curculigo pilosa (Schumach. & Thonn.) Engl. Hypoxidaceae Herb Woodland North, South, East Afrotropical Roots Pinto-Basto et al. 103 Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Poaceae Herb Cultivated, Ruderal North Introduced, Native to India Aerial parts of plant Moreira 216 Dalbergia boehmii Taub. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Zambezian Regions Leaves Catarino 1452 Dalbergia saxatilis Hook. f. Fabaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves Catarino 1636 Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalziel Fabaceae Tree Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Leaves Handicrafts, Phytochemical Gomes & Correia 2 Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. Fabaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Leaves, Roots Catarino 1165 Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Bark Catarino 1724 Dialium guineense Willd. Fabaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Fruits, Leaves, Bark Food Diniz et al. 2531 Dichrostachys cinerea subsp. platycarpa (Welw. ex W.Bull) Brenan & Brummitt Fabaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Zambezian Regions Bark Catarino 1620 Dicranolepis disticha Planch. Thymelaeaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland South Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Moreira 97 Dioscorea hirtiflora Benth. Dioscoreaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Food Catarino & Djalo 250 Diospyros heudelotii Hiern Ebenaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Guinean Sub-Region Bark Catarino 1734 Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Arecaceae Palm Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Roots Food, Timber, Handicrafts Diniz et al. 1031 Eleocharis mutata (L.) Roem. & Schult. Cyperaceae Herb Gallery Forest, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East, Bijagós Amphi-Atlantic Ca, Seeds Vidigal et al. 96 Entada africana Guill. & Perr. Fabaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland South, East Sudanian/Zambezian Regions Roots, Bark Catarino 1378 Erythrina senegalensis DC. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Bark, Roots Handicrafts Indjai 04 Erythrina sigmoidea Hua Fabaceae Tree Savanna Woodland East Sudanian Region Roots Catarino 1389 Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Bark Indjai 23 Ficus exasperata Vahl Moraceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Paleotropical Bark, Leaves Indjai 14 Ficus lutea Vahl Moraceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical – Phytochemical, Rituals and beliefs Catarino 1654 Ficus polita Vahl Moraceae Tree Forest, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Bark Indjai 01 Ficus sur Forssk. Moraceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Bark, Fruits Food Catarino 1574 Fleroya stipulosa (DC.) Y.F.Deng (Syn. Hallea stipulosa (DC.) Leroy) Rubiaceae Tree Gallery Forest North, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Bark Espírito Santo 426 Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf Apocynaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South Afrotropical Roots Diniz et al. 2557 Gardenia ternifolia subsp. jovis-tonantis (Welw.) Verdc. Rubiaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian/Zambezian Regions Roots Catarino 1373 Guiera senegalensis J.F.Gmel. Combretaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Sahelian/Sudanian Regions Leaves, Roots Catarino 1926 Gymnanthemum coloratum (Willd.) H.Rob. & B.Kahn (Syn. Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake) Asteraceae Shrub Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Leaves Diniz & Gonçalves 1847 Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm. Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Bark Catarino 1347 Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes. (Syn. Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell) Celastraceae Shrub Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Wet Grass Savanna North, East Sudanian/Zambezian Regions Leaves Saneé 19 Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir. Hypericaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Catarino 1542 Hibiscus sterculiifolius (Guill. & Perr.) Steud. Malvaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Handicrafts Catarino 1649 Holarrhena floribunda (G.Don) T. Durand & Schinz Apocynaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves, Bark Handicrafts Catarino 1706 Hymenocardia acida Tul. Phyllanthaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Bark, Leaves Indjai 32 Hypoestes forsskaolii (Vahl) R.Br. Acanthaceae Herb Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North Afrotropical Roots Diniz & Gonçalves 1820 Hyptis spicigera Lam. Lamiaceae Herb Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove, Ruderal North, South, East Introduced, Native to America Leaves Catarino 1193 Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Lamiaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Aerial parts of plant Phytochemical Diniz & Catarino 1698 Icacina oliviformis (Poir.) J.Raynal Icacinaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Roots Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1923 Indigofera arrecta Hochst. ex A.Rich. Fabaceae Herb Cultivated, Ruderal North, East, Paleotropical Aerial parts of plant Phytochemical Espírito Santo 2304 Indigofera macrophylla Schumach. & Thonn. Fabaceae Herb Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Roots Catarino 824 Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. Fabaceae Shrub Cultivated North Introduced, Native to America Aerial parts of plant Phytochemical Espírito Santo 2278 Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. Convolvulaceae Herb Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Pantropical Leaves Catarino 770 Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae Shrub Cultivated South, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Roots, Seeds Vidigal et al. 191 Jatropha gossypiifolia L. Euphorbiaceae Shrub Cultivated South Introduced, Native to America Sap Moreira 206 Kalanchoe crenata (Andrews) Haw. Crassulaceae Herb Ruderal South Paleotropical Sap Moreira 242 Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A.Juss. Meliaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Bark Timber Indjai 22 Landolphia dulcis (R.Br. ex Sabine) Pichon Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Food, Phytochemical Indjai 25 Landolphia heudelotii A.DC. Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves, Bark, Branches Food, Phytochemical Catarino 1594 Lannea acida A.Rich. Anacardiaceae Tree Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Bark Food, Phytochemical Catarino 2130 Lecaniodiscus cupanioides Planch. ex Benth. Sapindaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Food Catarino 1665 Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. Lamiaceae Herb Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, Bijagós Afrotropical Aerial parts of plant Diniz & Gonçalves 1872 Lepisanthes senegalensis (Poir.) Leenh. (Syn. Aphania senegalensis (A.Juss. ex Poir.) Radlk.) Sapindaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves Food Catarino 1715 Leptadenia lancifolia (Schumach. & Thonn.) Decne. (Syn. L. hastata (Pers.) Vatke) Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Stem, Branches, Leaves Indjai 34 Leptoderris brachyptera (Benth.) Dunn Fabaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves Catarino 1109 Lippia chevalieri Moldenke Verbenaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian Region Roots Catarino 1387 Lonchocarpus sericeus (Poir.) KunthDC. Fabaceae Tree Gallery Forest, Mangrove North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Bark Catarino 740 Luffa cylindrica (L.) M.Roem. Cucurbitaceae Herb Cultivated, Also Ruderal North, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to Asia Leaves Catarino 1367 Maerua duchesnei (De Wild.) F.White Capparaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Gallery Forest South Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Leaves Catarino 1588 Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to Asia Roots, Leaves, Bark Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1939 Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster Phyllanthaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Bark Indjai 27 Mitragyna innermis (Willd.) Kuntze Rubiaceae Tree Gallery Forest, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Leaves Catarino 1426 Momordica cissoides Planch. ex Benth. Cucurbitaceae Herb Forest, Gallery Forest North, South, East Afrotropical Sap Moreira 61 Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal Annonaceae Tree Forest, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Seeds Espírito Santo 2331 Morinda chrysorhiza (Thonn.) DC. (Syn. M. geminata DC.) Rubiaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves, Branches Phytochemical Catarino 1534 Moringa oleifera Lam. Moringaceae Tree Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to India Leaves Food Vidigal et al. 198 Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance ex F.White Chrysobalanaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Leaves, Fruits, Bark Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1778 Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.) Seem. Bignoniaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots, Leaves Indjai 03 Ocimum basilicum L. Lamiaceae Herb Savanna Woodland, Ruderal North, East, Bijagós Pantropical Aerial parts of plant Phytochemical Indjai 36 Ocimum gratissimum L. Lamiaceae Shrub Palm Grove, Ruderal North, South, Bijagós Introduced, Native to Asia Aerial parts of plant Beverages Indjai 37 Opilia amentacea Roxb. Opiliaceae Climber Savanna Woodland South, East Afrotropical Roots, Leaves Rituals and beliefs Espirito Santo 2352 Ozoroa insignis Delile Anacardiaceae Tree Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Catarino 513 Parinari excelsa Sabine Chrysobalanaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Bark Food, Timber Catarino 1705 Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G.Don Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Bark Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1790 Paulinia pinnata L. Sapindaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Stem, Leaves Catarino 503 Pavetta corymbosa (DC.) F.N.Williams Rubiaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Catarino 1619 Pavetta oblongifolia (Hiern) Bremek. Rubiaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian Region Branches, Leaves Catarino 1437 Pericopsis laxiflora (Benth. ex Baker) Meeuwen Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian Region Bark Handicrafts Catarino 1736A Phoenix reclinata Jacq. Arecaceae Palm Gallery Forest, Mangrove North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Food, Handicrafts Martins & Catarino 1404 Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell Phyllanthaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Catarino 1615 Piper guineense Schumach. & Thonn. Piperaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Gallery Forest South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Fruits Diniz & Gonçalves 2083 Platostoma africanum P.Beauv. Lamiaceae Herb Savanna Woodland, Ruderal South, East Paleotropical Aerial parts of plant Food Gonçalves et al. 90 Pouchetia africana A.Rich. ex DC. Rubiaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Catarino 1632 Pouteria alnifolia (Baker) Roberty (Syn. Malacantha alnifolia (Baker) Pierre) Sapotaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Catarino 1721 Premna hispida Benth. Lamiaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna North, South Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Catarino 1100 Prosopis africana (Guill. & Perr.) Taub. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Leaves, Bark, Roots Timber Catarino 1070 Psorospermum corymbiferum Hochr. Hypericaceae Shrub Woodland South, East Guineo-Congolian/Sudano-Zambezian Regions Leaves Espirito Santo 533 Psorospermum glaberrimum Hochr. Hypericaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland South, East Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Beverages Moreira 124 Psychotria peduncularis (Salisb.) Steyerm. Rubiaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Roots Indjai 07 Psydrax parviflora (Afzel.) Bridson Rubiaceae Shrub Woodland, Gallery Forest South Afrotropical Leaves, Bark Martins & Catarino 1181 Pterocarpus erinaceus Lam. ex Poir. Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian Region Bark Timber Catarino 1691 Pterocarpus santalinoides L׳Hér. ex DC. Fabaceae Tree Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Roots Food Catarino 1692 Quassia undulata (Guill. & Perr.) D.Dietr. (Syn. Hannoa undulata (Guill. & Perr.) Planch.) Simaroubaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Regions Leaves Rituals and beliefs Catarino 1440 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. Apocynaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Roots, Stem Catarino 1690 Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae Herb Cultivated North, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Seeds Diniz & Gonçalves 1915A Ritchiea capparoides (Andrews) Britten Capparaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Catarino 601 Saba senegalensis (A.DC.) Pichon Apocynaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Food, Rituals and beliefs Catarino 1577 Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC. Celastraceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots Food Catarino 1650 Samanea dinklagei (Harms) Keay (Syn. Albizia dinklagei (Harms) Harms) Fabaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Bark Handicrafts Diniz et al. 1268 Sansevieria senegambica Baker Asparagaceae Herb Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Guinean Sub-Region Roots Handicrafts, Phytochemical Catarino 692 Sarcocephalus latifolius (Sm.) E.A.Bruce Rubiaceae Shrub Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Roots, Bark, Leaves Food Catarino 1344 Schultesia guianensis var. latifólia (Mart. ex Progel) E.F.Guim. & Fontella (Syn. S. stenophylla var. latifolia Mart. ex Progel) Gentianaceae Herb Wet Grass Savanna, Ruderal North, South, East Guinean Sub-Region Whole plant Diniz & Catarino 1674 Scleria boivinii Steud. Cyperaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South Afrotropical Whole plant Diiz & Gonçalves 1792 Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) Hochst. Anacardiaceae Shrub Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Bark, Leaves Gonçalves et al. 83 Scoparia dulcis L. Plantaginaceae Herb Woodland, Palm Grove, Wet Grass Savanna, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Pantropical Leaves, Stem Catarino 696 Secamone afzelii (Roem. & Schult.) K.Schum. Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Roots, Leaves Catarino 1084 Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen. Polygalaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Roots Rituals and beliefs Catarino 1350 Senna alata (L.) Roxb. Fabaceae Shrub Ruderal North, South, East Introduced, Native to America Leaves Beverages Diniz & Catarino 1728 Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Fabaceae Shrub Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Introduced, Native to America Leaves Vidigal et al. 131 Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Fabaceae Herb Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Pantropical Leaves, Roots Beverages Diniz et al. 996 Senna podocarpa (Guill. & Perr.) Lock Fabaceae Shrub Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove, North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves Indjai 02 Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Fabaceae Tree Savanna Woodland, Cultivated North, South Introduced, Native to Asia Leaves Moreira 26 Sida linifolia Juss. ex Cav. Malvaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Aerial parts of plant Catarino 1054 Sida urens L. Malvaceae Herb Gallery Forest, Ruderal North, South, East Pantropical Aerial parts of plant Catarino 1403 Smeathmannia laevigata Sol. ex R.Br. Passifloraceae Shrub Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Branches Catarino 1651 Smilax anceps Willd. Smilacaceae. Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Roots Catarino 1380 Solanum macrocarpon L. Solanaceae Herb Cultivated North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Roots, Leaves Food Diniz et al. 1054 Sorindeia juglandifolia (A.Rich.) Planch. ex Oliv. Anacardiaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Food Catarino 2129 Spermacoce verticillata L. Rubiaceae Herb Savanna Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots Catarino 790 Sphaeranthus senegalensis DC. Asteraceae Herb Palm Grove, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Whole plant Catarino 1602 Spondias mombin L. Anacardiaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afro-Neotropical Leaves Food Catarino 701 Stereospermum kunthianum Cham. Bignoniaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Afrotropical Bark Martins & Catrino 1500 Strophanthus hispidus DC. Apocynaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest, Palm Grove North, South, East Guineo-Congolian Regions Roots Catarino 734 Strophanthus sarmentosus DC. Apocynaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Roots Rituals and beliefs Indjai 13 Tapinanthus bangwensis (Engl. & K.Krause) Danser Loranthaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Whole plant Rituals and Beliefs Catarino 1461 Terminalia albida Scott-Elliot Combretaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Leaves Catarino 1925 Terminalia macroptera Guill. & Perr. Combretaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian Region Leaves, Bark Catarino 1923 Tetracera alnifolia Willd. Dilleniaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Sap Catarino 1104 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Cannabaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Paleotropical Leaves Catarino 1617 Trichilia emetica subsp. suberosa Wilde Meliaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Paleotropical Bark Catarino 622 Trichilia prieuriana A.Juss. Meliaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Guineo-Congolian Region Leaves, Bark Indjai 19 Triclisia patens Oliv. Menispermaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East Guinean Sub-Region Roots Food Catarino 1565 Triumfetta cordifolia A.Rich. Malvaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Wet Grass Savanna, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Catarino & Bancessi 659 Urena lobata L. Malvaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Ruderal North, South, East, Bijagós Pantropical Leaves Handicrafts Catarino 1407 Usteria guineensis Willd. Loganiaceae Climber Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Leaves Catarino 1672 Uvaria chamae P.Beauv. Annonaceae Climber Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Roots, Branches, Leaves Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1908 Vernonia nigritana Oliv. & Hiern Asteraceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Roots Catarino 1439 Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata var. spontanea (Schweinf.) Pasquet Fabaceae Herb Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Wet Grass Savanna North, South, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Food Diniz & Pinto-Basto 2407 Vitex doniana Sweet Lamiaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Roots Food Catarino 1424 Vitex madiensis Oliv. Lamiaceae Tree Woodland, Savanna Woodland North, South, East Guineo-Congolian/Sudano-Zambezian Regions Roots, Flowers Food Catarino 1660 Voacanga africana Stapf ex Scott-Elliot Apocynaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Palm Grove South, Bijagós Afrotropical Roots, Leaves, Bark Catarino 1714 Waltheria indica L. Malvaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Pantropical Roots Catarino 1065 Ximenia americana L. Olacaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Pantropical Roots, Bark Food, Phytochemical Catarino 1605 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich. Annonaceae Tree Forest, Woodland North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves, Fruits, Bark Food Catarino 879 Xylopia longipetala De Wild. & T.Durand Annonaceae Shrub Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Afrotropical Leaves Food Diniz & Gonçalves 1912 Zanthoxylum leprieurii Guill. & Perr. Rutaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, East, Bijagós Sudanian/Guineo-Congolian Regions Bark, Leaves, Roots Indjai 09 Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepern. & Timler Rutaceae Tree Forest, Woodland, Savanna Woodland, Palm Grove, Gallery Forest North, South, Bijagós Sudanian/Guinean Sub-Region Roots Catarino 926 2. Experimental design, materials and methods 2.1. Study area Guinea-Bissau is located in the Northern Intertropical Zone of West Africa. It borders on the Republic of Senegal to the North, the Republic of Guinea to the East and South and by the Atlantic Ocean to the West [2]. It covers 36,125 km2 and the country encompasses continental mainland (North, South, and Eastern regions) and a group of 40 islands, the Bijagós Archipelago (Fig. 1A). Fig. 1. Download high-res image (1MB)Download full-size image Fig. 1. Map of Guinea-Bissau (A – left). Some of the main vegetation types (right): (B) palm groves, Bijagós Islands; (C) mangroves, Cacheu Natural Park; (D) woodlands, Dulombi Park; (E) savanna woodlands, Boé Park (photographs L.Catarino). Four different geo-morphological areas are identified for Guinea Bissau, i.e. the Bijagós Islands covered by palm groves (Fig. 1B) and dry forests surrounded by mangroves; the low-lying, littoral region with extensive mangroves dissected by rivers and creeks (Fig. 1C); a transitional zone extending in an easterly direction covered in woodlands (Fig. 1D); the savanna plains in the East and South-East sloping upwards to a maximum height of 300 m (Fig. 1E). 2.2. Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora: vegetation types and species distribution 2.2.1. Flora and vegetation types Guinea-Bissau׳s vascular flora comprehends 1524 taxa, of which 1391 are native [3]. The main vegetation types occurring in Guinea-Bissau were documented during several field surveys and are identified in Table 1, in which the species are assigned to vegetation types in accordance with the following classes: a) forest; b) woodland; c) savanna woodland; d) wet grass savanna; e) palm grove; f) riparian forest; g) mangrove and h) ruderal habitats (see Fig. 1B–E). In terms of surface area, savanna woodland dominates, followed by woodland, mangrove, herbaceous savanna and dry forest, mainly found in the South [3]. 2.2.2. Medicinal plants A total of 218 medicinal plants as used in traditional medicine in Guinea-Bissau were identified in a recent study [1]. Ecological and distributional data are presented in Table 1, and in Fig. 2. Most the medicinal plants are trees (38%; 3 palms are included in this group), followed by shrubs (27%), herbs (21%) and climbers (14%) (Fig. 2A). The main vegetation types in which the medicinal plants species occur are woodland and savanna woodland, but species are also found in areas covered in palm groves, forest and riparian forest. Almost all the species occur in more than one vegetation type and half of them in both woodland and savanna woodland (Fig. 2B). The plant-parts most used are leaves, followed by roots and stem bark. In the case of herbaceous species, usually the whole plant and the aerial parts are used (Fig. 3). Fig. 2. Download high-res image (295KB)Download full-size image Fig. 2. Distribution of medicinal plants in Guinea-Bissau by life-form (A) and vegetation types (B). Fig. 3. Download high-res image (218KB)Download full-size image Fig. 3. Plant parts used in traditional medicine in Guinea-Bissau. Given that medicinal plants are often used for other than medicinal purposes, these are identified in Table 1: a) Handicrafts – plant parts used for handicrafts and utensils (16 species); b) Food – whole plant or plant part edible (52 species); c) Beverages – plant parts used for beverages without therapeutic purposes (6 species); d) Rituals and beliefs – whole plants or plant part used in traditional ceremonies or for magic-religious purposes (7 species); e) Phytochemical – plants used by their chemical compounds (21 species) and f) Timber – species used for wood (10 species). 2.2.3. Geographical distribution For each of the medicinal species considered in our study, information was compiled on their distribution in Guinea-Bissau: North, South, and East (continental regions) and the Bijagós Archipelago (Fig. 1A). Moreover the 218 medicinal species were categorised into its distribution range (phytogeography), which allow us to characterise the diversity of the climatic, edaphic and floristic-ecological conditions where they occurs. Therefore, the distribution types used are based on those of White (see [4]) for African phytogeographic regions, namely: a) Afro-American (=Afro-Neotropical) – species distributed in the tropical or subtropical regions of Africa and America; b) Amphi-Atlantic – species occurring in the coastal regions on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, in Africa and America; c) Afrotropical – species distributed in the African continent; d) Guinean sub-region; e) Guineo-Congolian region; f) Guineo-Congolian and Sudano-Zambezian regions; g) Guinean sub-region and Zambezian region; h) Paleotropical – species occurring in the tropical or subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania; i) Pantropical – species occurring in the tropical or subtropical regions all over the world; j) Sudanian and the Guinean sub-region; l) Sudanian and the Guineo-Congolian regions; m) Sahelian and Sudanian regions; and o) Sudanian and Zambezian regions. 2.3. Data collection The study of ecological aspects associated with Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora was carried out by means of in-country fieldwork, the collection and study of herbarium specimens and a detailed inventory of published sources. An initial countrywide study of the country׳s flora was conducted between 1997 and 2007 (for more details see [3]). Recent fieldwork included visits to communities in different areas of the country, interviews with local community members and healers, and observations in loco. Close collaboration with IBAP staff allowed for the gathering of information on ecological conditions and conservation measures implemented in protected areas. The data presented in Table 1 was assembled by means of the following sources: 1) Fieldwork. Ecological and distribution data was collected during the fieldwork carried out during the last two decades in different regions of Guinea-Bissau. The in-country collection of ethnobotanical data relied on semi-structured interviews, in-field observations and guided field surveys were conducted with local healers and members of local communities. 2) Herbarium Specimens. A detailed review was undertaken of plant specimens at the LISC Herbarium (University of Lisbon) that contain the most important worldwide collection from this country. After examining each record in the herbarium׳s Guinea-Bissau collection, a critical and updated review of Guinea-Bissau׳s plants, their growth-environment, their medicinal relevance and alternative uses was implemented. 3) Bibliographic Review. A review of publications on medicinal flora of Guinea-Bissau covering the period from 1880s to the present was carried out (for more details see [1]). Moreover, a review of the literature was carried out to investigate previous studies׳ classifications of vegetation types [e.g. 3,5–7], and ecological data collected during fieldwork was complemented with a study of the literature on ecology, biodiversity and the impact of climate change in Guinea Bissau. Finally all the available data on Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora, including ecological knowledge obtained from specimen vouchers and published literature, as well as the authors׳ field experience, were incorporated into a database (Table 1). Acknowledgements The authors wish to extend their gratitude to many collaborators in Guinea-Bissau for their assistance during fieldwork, as well as local institutions such as IBAP (Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Áreas Protegidas) and INEP (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa), for the ethical approvals for collecting plant samples in Guinea-Bissau. We also thank to Agostino Palminha in the preparation of the map of Guinea-Bissau. This study was financed by Portuguese National Funds, through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: IF/01130/2013/CP1165/CT0002 to PH and SFRH/BGCT/113708/2015 to MR; and by the project PTDC/AFR/117785/2010 to LC. Appendix A. Supplementary material Download Acrobat PDF file (2MB)Help with pdf files Supplementary material References [1] L. Catarino, P.J. Havik, M.M. Romeiras Medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau: therapeutic applications, ethnic diversity and knowledge transfer J. Ethnopharmacol., 183 (2016), pp. 71-94, 10.1016/j.jep.2016.02.032 ArticlePDF (912KB)View Record in Scopus [2] F. Monteiro, M.M. Romeiras, A. Figueiredo, M. Sebastiana, A. Baldé, L. Catarino, D. Batista Tracking cashew economically important diseases in the West African region using metagenomics Front. Plant Sci., 6 (2015), p. 482, 10.3389/fpls.2015.00482 [3] L. Catarino, E.S. Martins, M.F. Pinto-Basto, M.A. Diniz An annotated checklist of the vascular flora of Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) Blumea, 53 (2008), pp. 1-222, 10.3767/000651908X608179 CrossRefView Record in Scopus [4] F. White, The Vegetation of Africa – A Descriptive Memoir to Accompany the UNESCO/AETFAT/UNSO Vegetation Map of Africa, Natural Resources Research, XX. Paris UNESCO, 1983. [5] L. Catarino, E. Martins, M.F. Pinto-Basto, M.A. Diniz Plantas Vasculares e Briófitos da Guiné–Bissau IICT/IPAD, Lisbon (2006) [6] B. Indjai, L. Catarino, D. Mourão Mezinhos de Orango – Plantas Medicinais e Pessoas da Ilha da Rainha Pampa Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Áreas Protegidas, Bissau (2010) [7] B. Indjai, C. Barbosa, L. Catarino Mezinhos da Terra e Curas Tradicionais nas Ilhas de Canhabaque e do Parque Nacional Marinho João Vieira e Poilão Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Áreas Protegidas, Bissau (2014) © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.