Wednesday, 10 January 2018

The Nelson Interfaith Climate Action Collaborative: Encountering Climate Justice schedule:

West Kootenay EcoSociety​ The Nelson Interfaith Climate Action Collaborative kick starting the New Year with a week of education and contemplation surrounding issues of climate change, our environment and people. Each day we will hear from a speaker who will give a different take on these important issues and then the chance to ask questions and discuss as a group. Refreshments will be provided and the session will end with a thoughtful blessing. We welcome you to join us in encountering climate justice. Each session is free of charge, please note the location and timings below as they do change each day. Encountering Climate Justice schedule: Thursday Jan 18, 7 p.m. - United Church - Shelly Boyd, Sinixt Arrow Lakes Facilitator: the Sinixt Traditional Understanding of Land, Place and People Friday, Jan 19, 7 p.m. - Shambala Meditation Centre - speaker from the Eco Society: Local Action on Climate Change Saturday, Jan 20, 1 – 3 pm *Pacific time - Yasodhara Ashram in the Temple - Paris Marshall Smith and Swami Lalitananda: Holding Space: Inner Reflection, Outer Action. Sunday, Jan 21, 2 p.m. Baha'i community at the Mickey McEwan Hall (Rod and Gun Club) hosts the World Religion Day interfaith celebration on the theme: One Planet, One People...caring for the earth and humanity Monday, Jan 22, 7 p.m. - Catholic Church - Michael Jessen: Actions needed Individually, Locally, Nationally and Globally Tuesday, Jan 23, 7 p.m. - Anglican Church - Laura Sacks from the Citizen Climate Lobby: Climate Change: Re-framing from Despair to Opportunity Wednesday, Jan 24, 7 p.m. - Unitarian Spiritual Center at United Church - Kim Charlesworth speaking about Food Security and Climate Change. Thursday, Jan 25, 5 pm - vigil walk beginning at the Shambala Meditation Centre Looking forward to seeing you there! Feel free to check out and like the Nelson Interfaith Climate Action Collaborative Facebook page here. Sincerely, Sarah