Thursday, 19 April 2018

2014 Sleep quality in pregnancy during treatment with Bryophyllum pinnatum: An observational study(Article)

PhytomedicineVolume 21, Issue 5, 15 April 2014, Pages 753-757 Lambrigger-Steiner, C.ab, Simões-Wüst, A.P.cEmail Author, Kuck, A.d, Fürer,, Hamburger, M.e, Von Mandach, U.b View Correspondence (jump link) aDepartment of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Bülach Hospital, Bülach, Switzerland bDepartment of Obstetrics, Perinatal Pharmacology, Zurich University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland cResearch Department, Paracelsus-Hospital Richterswil, Bergstrasse 16, CH-8805 Richterswil, Switzerland dDepartment of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paracelsus-Hospital Richterswil, Richterswil, Switzerland eDivision of Pharmaceutical Biology, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland Abstract View references (27) Introduction Poor sleep quality in pregnancy is frequent. A treatment with sedatives is problematic due to possible adverse effects for mother and embryo/foetus. In the present study, we investigated the sedative effect of Bryophyllum pinnatum, a phytotherapeutic medication used in anthroposophic medicine. In previous clinical studies on its tocolytic effect, B. pinnatum showed a good risk/benefit ratio for mother and child. A recent analysis of the prescribing pattern for B. pinnatum in a network of anthroposophic physicians revealed sleep disorders as one of the most frequent diagnoses for which these preparations are prescribed. Materials and methods In this prospective, multi-centre, observational study, pregnant women suffering from sleep problems were treated with B. pinnatum (350 mg tablets, 50% leaf press juice, Weleda AG, Arlesheim, dosage at physician's consideration). Sleep quality, daily sleepiness and fatigue were assessed with the aid of standardised questionnaires, at the beginning of the treatment and after 2 weeks. Possible adverse drug reactions perceived by the patients during the treatment were recorded. Results The number of wake-ups, as well as the subjective quality of sleep was significantly improved at the end of the treatment with B. pinnatum. The Epworth Sleeping Scale decreased, indicating a decrease of the tiredness during the day. There was, however, no evidence for prolongation of the sleep duration, reduction in the time to fall asleep, as well as change in the Fatigue Severity Scale after B. pinnatum. No serious adverse drug reactions were detected. Conclusion B. pinnatum is a suitable treatment of sleep problems in pregnancy. The data of this study encourage further clinical investigations on the use of B. pinnatum in sleep disorders. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. Author keywords Bryophyllum pinnatumPregnancySleepSleep problemsSleep quality Indexed keywords EMTREE drug terms: bryophyllum pinnatum extractplant extractsedative agentunclassified drugplant medicinal product EMTREE medical terms: adultarticleBryophyllum pinnatumchewable tabletdaytime somnolencedrug effectepworth sleeping scalefatigueFatigue Severity ScalefemalehumanKalanchoemajor clinical studymulticenter studyobservational studypregnancypregnant womanpriority journalprospective studyquestionnairescoring systemsleep disordersleep qualitysleep timetreatment durationunspecified side effectalternative medicineclinical trialfatiguemiddle agedphytotherapypregnancyPregnancy ComplicationsSleep Disordersyoung adult Species Index: Kalanchoe pinnata MeSH: AdultAnthroposophyFatigueFemaleHumansKalanchoeMiddle AgedPhytotherapyPlant PreparationsPregnancyPregnancy ComplicationsProspective StudiesSleep DisordersYoung Adult Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: Plant Preparations Manufacturers: Drug manufacturer: Weleda, Brazil Funding details Funding text We express our gratitude to the participating patients. Thanks are also due to the medical personnel who assisted in recruiting the patients, in particular Alexandra Dolder, and to Burkart Seifert for the statistical analysis. We thank the three outpatient clinics (Paracelsus-Hospital Richterswil, Bülach Hospital, and Zurich University Hospital) for the possibility to perform this study. Financial support by Weleda AG (Arlesheim, Switzerland) and the Supporting Association Paracelsus-Hospital Richterswil (Richterswil, Switzerland) are gratefully acknowledged. ISSN: 09447113 CODEN: PYTOE Source Type: Journal Original language: English DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2013.11.003 PubMed ID: 24373544 Document Type: Article Publisher: Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena References (27) View in search results format All 1 Brunner, D.P., Munch, M., Biedermann, K., Huch, R., Huch, A., Borbely, A.A. Changes in sleep and sleep electroencephalogram during pregnancy (1994) Sleep, 17 (7), pp. 576-582. 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