Monday, 16 April 2018

Dear ISE Members and Supporters - new office

, Thanks to the generous support of the University of Florida, we now have a new office for the International Society of Ethnobiology. The new address is: International Society of Ethnobiology PO Box 117305 1112 Turlington Hall University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-7305 USA It is also my great pleasure to introduce you to our new assistant, Jelena Brezjanovic. Jelena has been working hard behind the scenes over the last several months with the office transition and website updates. I would like to take this occasion to offer my deepest appreciation to Jessica Miller, who tirelessly served the society over the last few years. Jessica started a new job at the end of last year but has gone above and beyond the call of duty to continue to work with ISE and ensure a smooth transition. We have had an unprecedented level of interest in our upcoming congress in Belém, Brazil and it may turn out to be our largest international gathering ever. The organizers have graciously extended the deadline to April 30th to ensure maximum participation so don't miss out. I look forward to seeing you there! With best regards, Rick ______________________________________________________________ John Richard Stepp UF Research Foundation Professor Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, USA Vice-President/President-Elect International Society of Ethnobiology