Thursday, 24 May 2018

Garlic and Gaseous Mediators

Review Peter Rose'Correspondence information about the author Peter RoseEmail the author Peter Rose , Philip Keith Moore , Yi-Zhun Zhu Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof PlumX Metrics Learn more about article metrics DOI: showArticle Info PDF (1 MB) Download Images(.ppt) Highlights Garlic has been used for centuries to treat human diseases. Sulfur compounds present in the edible parts of garlic can alter the levels of gaseous signalling molecules like NO, CO, and H2S in mammalian cells and tissues. Some of garlic’s sulfur compounds have been found to act as natural H2S donor molecules. Garlic (Allium sativum) and allied plant species are rich sources of sulfur compounds. Major roles for garlic and its sulfur constituents include the regulation of vascular homeostasis and the control of metabolic systems linked to nutrient metabolism. Recent studies have indicated that some of these sulfur compounds, such as diallyl trisulfide (DATS), alter the levels of gaseous signalling molecules including nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and perhaps carbon monoxide (CO) in mammalian tissues. These gases are important in cellular processes associated with the cardiovascular system, inflammation, and neurological functions. Importantly, these studies build on the known biological effects of garlic and associated sulfur constituents. This review highlights our current understanding of the health benefits attributed to edible plants like garlic. Keywords: hydrogen sulfide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, gaseous mediators, garlic, polysulfide