Friday, 22 June 2018

Book Review Editor Position – Simone de Beauvoir Studies

We are looking for a Book Review Editor to join the Editorial Team at Simone de Beauvoir Studies. Duties include selecting suitable books for review, soliciting reviews, editing, and overseeing the production process for reviews. The newly appointed Book Review Editor will work closely with the Editor in Chief to mark new and important directions in the field of Beauvoir Studies and to delineate a cutting-edge and multidisciplinary purview for the field through publication selections. Because the journal is currently undergoing a substantial transition between Editorial Teams and publishers, the Book Review Editor will have a unique opportunity to develop the journal’s new instantiation. Candidates should send a CV and a brief statement of interest and qualifications to the Editor in Chief, Jennifer McWeeny (, by August 1, 2018. Candidates are expected to have a familiarity with the field and to have a publication record that includes one or more publications on Simone de Beauvoir. Candidates hailing from any discipline and country are encouraged to apply. Since the journal is bilingual, facility with French language is desirable but not necessarily required. Simone de Beauvoir Studies is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal dedicated to advancing and extending scholarship relevant to the writings, thinking, and legacy of Simone de Beauvoir. The journal aims to cultivate outstanding scholarship within and across relevant disciplines; promote international and cross-cultural exchange; recognize the diverse social, cultural, and disciplinary receptions of Beauvoir’s thought; and emphasize cutting-edge approaches to the investigation of her complex body of work, including but not limited to those based in women’s studies, sexuality studies, transgender studies, decolonial studies, critical race theory, philosophy, history, political theory, psychology, literary studies, art theory, religious studies, cultural studies, interdisciplinary studies, working-class studies, and disability studies. Issues appear bi-annually starting with Volume 30 in 2019 and articles are published in English or French. Simone de Beauvoir Studies is published by Brill. __________________________ Jennifer McWeeny, Ph.D. Editor Simone de Beauvoir Studies Associate Professor of Philosophy Worcester Polytechnic Institute