Thursday, 27 September 2018

Call for Papers: Masculinities in a global perspective

The Oxford Feminist e-press is inviting papers and contributions for its e-publication on Masculinities in a Global Perspective. This series relates to contemporary debates and issues within masculinities research and practice from a global perspective. We invite articles and commentaries from young scholars and practitioners as well as established academics working on aspects of masculinities who are looking for prompt publication. Unlike conventional journals, our attempt is to reach a wider audience and to make knowledge sharing around masculinities accessible and fast. This Masculinities in a Global Perspective series began as part of a set of lectures under the title ‘Masculinities and Class in a Global Perspective' given by various academics in the spring of 2014 at the International Gender Studies Centre, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford. There were two motivations for beginning this online series. The first was to provide a platform for academic debates amongst scholars to easily engage with various scholarly debates around masculinities but at the same time to allow those debates to move beyond the academy and be more readily accessible in an online format. A second and more profound motivation came as a question: why do activists and scholars talk about men as men so infrequently? This question has been crucial in trying to situate ‘men’ within various discussion on ‘gender’ which the articles in this series aim to engage with. The first paper of this series is Selin Akyuz’s essay Turkish Political Masculinities which examines the varying masculinities displayed by political parties in Turkey today, and provides a brilliant beginning for our understanding of how formal politics – connected, of course, to class relations – is both effected by and effects how men are men today If you would like to contribute to this online series on masculinities, please contact the series editor Dr Shannon Philip ( to discuss your proposal.