Saturday, 13 October 2018

Better Science through Better Data (

With only a few places left to attend the Better Science through Better Data (#scidata18) event in London - Wednesday 14th November, here are five reasons why you should attend this year's event: Even more ways to engage. Last year more than 130 attendees joined us, more than half of whom were early career researchers. If you can't join us in person at London's iconic Natural History Museum, we will also be live streaming globally. A flagship in research data and open science events calendar. #Scidata18 is for researchers of all levels and disciplines (especially early career researchers). Last year, 98% of attendees rated our conference as "highly relevant" or "mostly relevant". An international line-up of keynote speakers. The themes of this year's conference are: mentoring open science, good research data practice throughout the research lifecycle; and roles and responsibilities for reproducible research. Hear from the Financial Times, TU Delft, Nature and more. 14 thought-provoking 'lightning' talks. These quick sessions come from a variety of subject areas including: Earth sciences, statistics, information sciences, medicine, biochemistry, social sciences, and geography. The speakers also represent a number of nationalities, institutions, research agencies and data tools, with demonstrations showcasing tools and case studies of sharing and reusing research data. A must-see panel debate. A panel discussion led by Kirstie Whitaker, Research fellow at the Turing Institute will focus on the theme 'The responsibility of reproducibility; whose job is it to change the status quo.' Learn more and get your free ticket or sign up to live stream. Warm regards, The Research Data Team Have you shared your research data yet? Springer Nature is committed to supporting researchers in sharing research data and in receiving the credit you deserve. We have developed several products and services to make sharing your research data faster, easier and more impactful. Learn more about Research Data Support for published authors. If you are a researcher who receives funding from the Wellcome Trust, you are now able to access Research Data Support from Springer Nature at no cost to you. The pilot aims to increase accessibility and reuse of your research. Learn more about the Research Data Support pilot.