Monday, 19 November 2018

Call for Papers/Themed Sessions International Society for Environmental Ethics

2019 Central Division Meeting American Philosophical Association The Westin Downtown Denver February 20-23, 2019 Submissions Due: November 20, 2018 Submissions are invited for the International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE) group sessions at the 2019 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA). The meeting will be held February 20-23, 2019, in Denver, CO. The ISEE invites submissions of individual papers (approximately 20 minutes presentation) or proposals for themed sessions (particular topics, author-meets-critics, etc.). People working in any area of ethics concerning environmental issues are encouraged to submit proposals. Submission Procedure: For individual paper submissions, please submit either: (1) a 300-word abstract, or (2) a full paper (approx. 3000 words). For themed sessions, please submit the proposed session title, a brief description of the session, names of all those participating, and titles for each paper/presentation. Paper abstracts (of up to 300 words) are strongly encouraged. Participants should be confirmed as willing to attend if the session goes forward. Names, Affiliations, and Emails of each paper/presenter/chair are needed in your submission. Materials should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format to: Robert Figueroa (ISEE Treasurer) at Please include “ISEE-APA” in the subject line. The deadline for submitting proposals is November 20, 2018.