Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Science and Religion: Conversations Across Boundaries

My name is Anthony Nairn from the IHPST at the University of Toronto. I am emailing you to ask that you distribute the following call for abstracts for a session I am putting together for the 2019 conference of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science taking place at the University of British Columbia from June 1-3, 2019. Below is my session title and description: Science and Religion: Conversations Across Boundaries Science and religion, in the popular mind, is seemingly incompatible. This has been the source of rising tensions and vocal activism ascending from both sides. The conflict thesis, which began in the late 19th century by Draper and White, has had a powerful and lasting effect on the understanding of the interaction between these two powerful enterprises, even though historians and philosophers of science and religion agree that the conflict thesis is inadequate in explanatory power. The aim of this session is to spark critical discourse on the relationship between science and religion from a variety of investigatory lenses (history, philosophy, integrated, STS, etc.) and different objects of inquiry (Islam, knowledge, Christianity, media, knowledge, etc.) to better carve out a deeper theoretical and applied space for working and learning scholars to operate within. With the theme of this year’s Congress as “circles of conversation,” the time seems necessary for bringing forth novel ways to better understand how science and religion can be better understood from different disciplinary and specialist backgrounds. Any faculty, researchers, or graduate students who are doing work on related topics in the field of science and religion can email me ( their abstracts following these instructions: ◦ In order to preserve the anonymity of authors, it is important that contact information and other identifying information be excluded from the file containing the abstract. The author’s name and contact information, and a list of keywords should be placed in the email, not in the abstract document. ◦ Individual paper submissions should include a file with a title and a brief abstract (150-250 words). Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from some of you soon! Sincerely, Anthony